bellaluna, rebel warrior

We’d really love for you to join us!

We’d love it if you’d join us!


Sounds like a great way to spend the evening. Maybe you could stop by and say hi:

We’d love it if you’d join us:

We have seen. Come join us on deadsplinter!

Interested in contributing to duan

The Guardian.

I don’t give a shit. I’m without power for the foreseeable future due to wind because idiots and assholes are in charge.

They (the power/fuel industry at large) have known about climate change for 35 years; one would think a forward-thinking business would implement some sort of oh, plan for these types of events right into the infrastructure.

Yup. Most of it could be avoided if they would put the damn power lines underground (!!!).

With a name that sounds armed forces-y, because 45.

I want her out, for someone more progressive!

*gasp* One can only hope this encourages the ever impeachment-reticent Pelosi to stop expressing her feelings about impeachment, and start addressing the sorry state of our democracy in the hands of the one being investigated.

Perhaps some of them believe they are vicariously ‘owning the Libs’ (though how THEIR figurehead’s fits, flops, and failures ‘owns the Libs’ is something I’m unable to wrap my head around). Perhaps that’s how your family's ornery presents.

I always read that as Liddie’, for some reason (I think my brain just converts his tweets to Trumpspeak automatically now).

But they don’t. They are ornery children, who have hitched their wagon to this ornery child's, and they're going with him NO MATTER WHAT.

It’s funny that a man who has never needed a resumé is suddenly worried about the appearance of his, after the fact of all his bad behaviour.

At least the papers weren't blank...

I weep for our nation. (constantly, it seems)