bellaluna, rebel warrior

I mean, we can all make pretty accurate guesses as to why he’s doing it, and are mostly going to be correct.

Can’t question the Emperor.

And now, to a live shot of Senator Lindsey Graham:

Republicans. What are they good for? Only Tax Cuts & furthering entitlements for wealthiest 2-1% of white Protestant Americans over age of 65. Bad foreign policy too. Younger Brother is a Houstonian Tx hardcore Koch Brothers Oil division top-employee. He is very very rich. And very soulless w/only GOP morals. Is sad

The reason that he thinks there is nothing wrong with asking a foreign government to interfere in our elections is that he got away with it the first time!

Get ready for the goal posts to be moved from “it’s only hearsay” to “whatever other thing we think we can get away with”

Dorothy Parker would sail over Trump’s head higher than the ISS, but I’d enjoy it immensely.

Karl Marx, so he could write a whole book titled “this is the shit I was talking about.”

+1 fascist eating machine (Assuming you mean Woody Guthrie)

The Prophet Muhammad.

I don’t recall the time frame or publication but an interviewer once asked Clapton what it was like to be the best guitarist in the world and he said, “I don’t know, you’d have to ask Prince”. Truer words were never spoken.

Eisenhower (“Look what your political party has become!”)

Bill Hicks would have a field day.


If there was anyone I would bring back and shoot the breeze with it would be Douglas Adams.  I know what his feelings on 45 would be though...

I mean the depressing and earnest answer is my Dad. He was a huge John McCain fan and would ABSOLUTELY be a never Trumper that voted for Trump anyway because “OMG HILLARY!”

George Carlin.

1. Harambe - we need a new president

Hunter Thompson isn’t a bad one, though. I’d add in Vonnegut and Mark Twain to round out the “old angry anti-establishment establishment white literary figures” panel.