bellaluna, rebel warrior

“Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House!”

From the Giz piece:

I want Booker to do a press conference that is just him talking right into the camera “Hey China, we both know Ivanka pulled some shady stuff to get all those copyrights she had been after for years, we both know there was some corruption, you can tell me, just gimme a call and let me know exactly that happened.”

If it’s at a Trump property, he can’t; kid’s undocumented and on his sixteenth hour of work.

So. Bunch of people are like, oh boy, how about all these crimes we’re doing, one guy says NOT CRIMES ALSO LET’S NOT TEXT ABOUT THE CRIMES and Trump’s case is closed.

Now imagine if any Democratic candidate were to say, on camera “Hey if there’s any country that has any dirt on Ivanka Trump acting as her father’s organization’s “bag man” for payoffs to officials in Azerbaijan, give us a call!”

I mean, this is an asshole who posts the results of polls from Breitbart.

Thing is even if Trump hadn’t set up a quid pro quo situation, he was still soliciting foreign assistance in trying to find dirt on a domestic political opponent. He's even admitted that in public and is still trying to now get China involved. The video of him talking about that should be enough to boot his ass out.

He also claims to pay no attention to polls but points them out when they show him in a positive light.

Much like the “no collusion” thing, Trump latches onto these words or phrases and beats them to death to ensure his followers have deniability unless Trump literally says those words. 

Well he did recently retweet a supportive Brietbart online poll, so this is par for the course. 

And founded by a religious zealot who also was head of a cult.

Counterpoint: Eventually he’s going to admit live on TV that there’s a quid pro quo and that it’s not a big deal, actually.

“You’re being very rude!  Ask the kid mowing the lawn a question!”

It also doesn’t mattered whether he pressured the Ukrainians or not, just asking for help from a foreign nation to smear your political rival is an FEC violation!

For someone so distrustful of the media, he sure quotes it an awful lot when convenient.

In one of the calls, White House officials can be heard offering Ukraine something called “idquay opray oquay” which is completely legal because it’s in Latin, like all good legal terms.

It be like if the Mystery Gang caught the monster of the week. And instead of unmasking it, they just called the local psychic to take care of it and went back into the van to smoke and eat artisan vegan doge treats.

Nice to see him quoting the Washington Times, which (if you’re not familiar) is a) a hard right-wing rag, b) absolutely not a paper of record in any sense of the word, and c) not even close to being authoritative on any subject.

kamikaze mission straight into the side of schmuck mountain