bellaluna, rebel warrior

Shit you’ve met my ex.

Just think of the consternation Susan Collins will have to endure.

You think that’s bad? I have it on good authority that Susan Collins is going to be “gravely concerned at this deviation from precedent.”

Jeff Flake’s gonna write another a STRONGLY WORDED op-ed.

Exactly, the fascists’ goal is to make everything political so it always comes down to your tribe vs. theirs. Notice how every single person that accuses Trump or his associates of something is instantly derided as a Lib, Dem, “biased,” “partisan,” etc. It’s never about the accusation itself, but simply an attempt by

He might even tweet about how “if it’s true, it would be very troubling.” but then he’ll want to “wait to gather all the facts.”

Oh man, Mitt Romney’s brow is gonna be SO FURROWED when he sees this.

This is the same calculated risk he keeps taking. If he is open in the public about it, he normalizes it for his base. And impeachment becomes less ‘right and wrong’ and more political.

If someone just up and asked him “What would you be willing to give to a country in exchange for them opening an investigation into your political rivals to help your 2020 political fortunes?” the only answer I know for a fact he wouldn’t give is “Nothing, because that would be unethical in any event and especially

“Why the hell won’t somebody make that slob take a bath?” asks degenerate covered in decades of his own feces and filth.

That bugs me. He’ll have a presidential library (filled with porn and carnival games, but still). He’ll have a (fat) portrait somewhere. His name is cemented into history. The wrong side, but he’s too stupid to know it, so he’ll still be jerking off to his own legacy.

Abolish the presidency and go the Parliament route.

From “Prince Valiant”

‘Murricans keep skipping over that “Truth” part, so we don’t get to the Reconciliation.

If you’re drinking Scotch, that just got ruined too

No, actually, he’s not

“Chief Executive Supreme” now at Taco Bell.

We need to do what the Egyptians did and chisel over his name in every instance in our stories and histories.

Could spin that into something... decent... though, by naming some sort of transparency related act after him and his bullshit: