“until it gets to the Supreme Court.”
“until it gets to the Supreme Court.”
And that’s why you hold your nose and show up in November. It ain’t about the perfect candidate, it’s about the 30 years of federally appointed destruction left in the other guy’s wake. I believe Tiny Tim Cratchett said it best: God help us, everyone
Well, I mean, that was the plan from the start, right? Get it declared unconstitutional, appeal to a higher court, and repeat the process until it gets to the Supreme Court. The long game has always been about getting the Court to repeal Roe.
Trump was apparently “happiest” with Nielsen when U.S. border agents fired tear gas into Mexico as people tried to cross the border. “Mr. Trump loved it,” the Times reported.
“Kirstjen, you didn’t hear me the first time, honey,” Trump reportedly said. “Shoot ’em down. Sweetheart, just shoot ’em out of the sky, O.K.?”
comment of the fucking week
Thanks to you, I now know that “Vampire Penguin” is a dessert. I will also now never be able to have that dessert, because you have made me associate it with Rudy “Pengula” Giulani. You monster.
“Geriatric political sub/dom”: the Pornhub search we were forced to watch on CNN.
I am trying to figure out if he is a svelte Penguin or a daywalking nosferatu.
and frothy-mouthed cable news fuck-up Rudy Giuliani
WAIT! DON’T KILL IT! That’s the new Secretary of the Interior!
Shut up, tomato.
Avatar checks out.
Katherine, what do you think this mouse’s stance on vaping is?
So, you’re saying the White House currently has a vermin problem?
Worst Disney film ever.