bellaluna, rebel warrior

Same here. I’m like “THANK GOD” but this outcome should have been a no-brainer. 

My fear as well.

Right. Like, it’s good that she was convicted of a murder that she clearly committed, but it’s fucked up that there was a very real chance she would not be. I’m genuinely surprised that she was convicted of murder.

I was curious so looked it up but it’s unclear. The issue is that in Texas they apparently don’t use “first-degree”/second-degree” in labeling murder charges - they just call everything “murder” even though there IS a legal distinction on requirements for charging/sentencing. And no articles I’ve seen yet confirm

This seems like the correct take.  I was terrified the judge was making a terrible mistake, but I think the my biggest error was pre-judging that jury.  They showed guts and good judgment. 

That Judge is no dummy. She knew if she didn’t give the jury instructions on SYG it would be used to either sue for mistrial or an appeal.  We will hear from Guyger again, I fear-but they won’t be able to use that awful law as a reason.

I was mad as hell too but I’m glad she brought it up, did it right. Leave less room for her defense team to find a sympathtic white Judge and have her conviction thrown out on some technicality.

A white woman walked into a Black man’s apartment while he was sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching TV in his underwear and shot him, and I am relieved that she was actually found guilty.

This. I expect she’ll spend far less time behind bars that most of us may expect or wish. I hope I’m wrong, but...

I’m really reconsidering the unpleasant thoughts I sent the Judge yesterday when she included in the jury instructions basically the Stand Your Ground Law.

I’m waiting for the sentencing, until then this is still up in the air.  

The only relevant question is “did Trump speak to Mueller under oath?”  Because if the answer is “yes,” then yes, he lied to him under oath.


Trump may be deteriorated to the point mentally where he is just confabulating everything, he seriously may not know what is true any longer in the labyrinth he has built in his head.

“May” have lied?

Trump breathes more than he lies but he lies more than he wolfs down diet cokes or hamburgers.

of fucking course he did. watch him talk, anytime, about anything. he can’t go 3 fucking sentences without lying, exaggerating, “joking”, “locker room talking” about any fucking topic. if you get the man under oath and he says anything other than “I plead the 5th”, he’s going to lie about something!

“It’s absurd! It’s true, he did it, and it’s absurd that he did it...”

I can’t believe someone with the temperament and foresight of Trump would even consider lying under oath to the special prosecutor.

It's cute that you think the people who work for the DA's office are the "good ones."