bellaluna, rebel warrior

Most of them seem too busy with “that thing” they need to do somewhere far away from the Congressional offices. The building doesn’t have enough escape elevators to hide in.

I agree with you, but with renewed sadness that this is what it’s taken to get even this most mild and tepid of reaction from a handful of GOP elected people.

It is possible, but I don’t think it is very likely given his continued popularity among the GOP’s voters. But then again, Nixon enjoyed Republican support on the impeachment issue. . . . until he didn’t, so you never know what single thing could come out in the next 12 months to shift the GOPs opinion.

Exactly. Barr is actually implicated now. Basically everyone is, and they can’t muddy the waters like they normally do.

Yeah it is pretty stark from how they were acting during the Russia investigation where they knew Barr would cover everything up.

I think Republican senators will gradually peel off and support it as Trump does more of this bullshit and continues to implode.

I know you all joke, but this time is different. The silence from most of the GOP is actually staggering. Only his most ass-eating sycophantic suck-ups are saying anything.

I wouldn’t call full impeachment by Congress “unlikely” just yet. I think Republican senators will gradually peel off and support it as Trump does more of this bullshit and continues to implode. Just gotta give it time, and pressure these people. Also, the polls need to show a very strong majority of the country

Mitt Romney will add that this is “probably not what I would have done in the same situation.”

At this point, it feels like that’s where we’re headed some days. We have so many irreconcilable differences between how that various regions of the USA operate, and there are so many differences in viewpoints, it’s legitimately a wonder that we even operate as a cohesive nation.

Black Hole 2020

He’s gonna talk a ton of shit then fold like always. It’s amazing how people constantly forget what a weak nothing of a man he is when push comes to shove.

Trump really needs to be careful though because the some in the GOP will only be quiet for so long.  

At this point, it’s unclear whether Trump will leave office peacefully (either via the unlikely event of full impeachment by Congress, losing the 2020 election, or at the end of his two terms in office), let alone where the white supremacist movement goes in a post-Trump world with a rapidly deteriorating climate.’

I used to think it must be really hard to pass the bar, but the more idiot lawyers I encounter I’m beginning to rethink this.

I’ll have you know, good sir, that the United Fucking States of America has abundant natural deposits of fuckery.

The republican party is a full blown cult and Trump is their criminal leader. They are racists, they falsely believe that Islam is a monolithic threat, they refuse the proven science of Evolution and Man Made Climate Change and they would break the law and commit treason with hostile nations to grasp and keep their


“Oh wait, you mean that collusion.”

I don’t understand how you can be such a remarkably bad liar and still be an attorney.

Just a quick reminder that Russia exports exactly two things to the rest of the world in any volume, natural gas and fuckery.