bellaluna, rebel warrior

Oh sure - I’m not holding my breath for a bunch of people to suddenly do the right thing. I’m just screaming into the void when I get a taste of it and realize they’re capable but have been refusing.

Like it’s a binary choice.

Yessssssss. The Secret of the Conservative Clown Car.

And in the meanwhile, Antonin Scalia’s homophobic failson Eugene was just appointed the goddamn Secretary of Labor. Yay.

I would prefer an elected GOVERNMENT, but what the fuck - a repeatedly elected president for life (because he’s outlawed the opposition) sounds pretty great.

Miller [...] describing the whistleblower complaint as a “Nancy Drew novel

...but Mr. President, no one uses the term Republically elected president. It sounds ridicu ... uh, no, you’re right, we’ll use it from now on.

Damn, I miss Peter Jennings!

We’ve still got a ways to go before some people stop trying to shut this down with “the Senate won’t convict.”

Their self awareness is amazing. Admittedly, at a quick glance, the VP’s son taking a high paying board position with a questionable company in a country with corruption is questionable. Meanwhile, the President’s children continue to make bank bank from their corrupt company, and the right thinks that's totally fine!

Chris Wallace gets as much respect as I can muster for an employee of Fox News.

who had video clips lined up to debunk Miller’s lies in real time

I posted this above. Career fed employees - two million. Elected officials - less than six hundred. But, yeah. Deep state and whatnot.

Said the man who has no qualifications for his current job.

I know Trump has already convinced himself he didn’t lose the popular vote, but I’m sure he’s mad at Miller for calling him a Democratically elected president. 

Deep State: career government employees who were serving the people of the United States long before the Trump administration and will still be serving the people of the United States when there is a new set of clowns running the show in Washington.

That may have been the greatest self-own of this interview.

Miller’s “Trump was elected by the American people to change the system!” Being met with Wallace pointing out that Americans elected a majority Dem House as a check on Trump was incredibly spicy for Fox standards.

I have a very important question Mister Miller, and many people are asking the same question.   Do you put down fresh Transylvanian soil in your coffin every night, or do you wait for laundry day to change your bedding?

Do we want to be governed by an unelected bureaucracy or by a democratically elected president?