bellaluna, rebel warrior

I personally loved the reports that he phoned Pelosi this morning to try to call off the impeachment, like he was gonna buy her off with a truckload of slightly dented electronics at a really good special friendship price.

Hey, John Yoo says that’s perfectly A-OK. Although apparently impeaching an in-your-damn-face corrupt president isn’t.

For anyone still on the fence about the Republican party....here ya go. Zero...ZERO Republicans in office think Trump’s actions warrant consequences. They are straight up boot licking enemies of the State. They do not give an actual fuck about a single person, except themselves.

They need to put his balls in tongs and hammer them to the “Anvil Chorus.”

I wonder how many of the 198 House Republicans who don’t support this inquiry in the face of some pretty damning evidence, absolutely lost their shit and were ready to impeach Barack Obama for his fairly mild statement to Dmitry Medvedev that he’d have “more flexibility” to negotiate after the 2012 election.

I know it didn’t happen, but in my head, Amash got absolutely blitzed off of Founders beer, stumbled over to the house dems with dolt 45's tweets still on his mind and goes “You know what? FUCK THAT GUY!”


if it’s part of the impeachment inquiry you can compel people to turn over documents, because executive privilege stops applying.

It is even more simple than that: 1) Pelosi -- and the DNC as a whole -- are mostly funded by the same individuals and corporations as the GOP and all of those people love what Trump has been doing with lowering their taxes; and, 2) Trump has been the best fund raiser for Pelosi and the DNC. The longer Trump is in

Also, what the hell is the difference if it’s under the impeachment inquiry or on it’s own? (seriously don’t know)

Excellent question. If the impeachment stuff is all about the theater of it - which it clearly will be because Senate - I'm OK with narrowing the scope (I guess). But not if it means the rest of it goes unaddressed. 

Are those other investigations going to stop?  Or will they go on, but just not under the purview of a “formal impeachment inquiry”?

Oh, yes. It was super-funny at the time, before the “gutting the EPA, getting alcoholic women-hating rapists on the Supreme Court, putting little brown kids in cages, encouraging nazis and trying to gut all of our subsequent election security” stuff started happening, so we could enjoy it in a certain state of

That was a fun one. Too bad it presaged so much relatively competent evil.

Oh, snap!

Remember when they stood in the dark cause they couldn’t find the light switch?

Bro... Bro...

Dear Dems,

Please disregard the memo where Trump admits to finding his daughter hot but didn’t specifically say he wanted to fuck her.

Johnny Intern - Asst to the Manager, GOP Talking Points.

Unfortunately the Trump administration only allows staffers to use @aol.com addresses.