I'm torn between burning all the microphones so he has no outlet to spew this garbage or putting one in front of him constantly so more and more people can understand this specific brand of homophobic bigotry.
I'm torn between burning all the microphones so he has no outlet to spew this garbage or putting one in front of him constantly so more and more people can understand this specific brand of homophobic bigotry.
I'd put this in with Chan Ho Park placing a ball on a tee for Ripken at SafeCo 2001 in the "Big Who Cares" HoF. It's the fucking All Star Game. It's bad exhibition baseball. Before you want to bitch about either side being in the wrong turn off your computer and then throw it in the trash.
At least he does still play for LA Galaxy, I guess. So they got that going for them, which is ni... meh.
I watch this, I see Bo.
Would be interesting to see where Roger Taylor would fall on this.
Soooooo the Olympic Stadium without the giant scoreboard in centerfield? Perfect.
It's not the first time Peggy has made this kind of "joke".
Subtweeting him right now.
Texas REALLY likes pleading down sexual assault charges, even against minors, to this false imprisonment charge. See it way too often.
Kruk's incorrect. Guidelines for the force out state that the out is recorded when the ball hits the glove. Good broadcasters have been clarifying this on local broadcasts all season.
It's all right. He loves Cuban people.
Such a little piece of joy and happiness on a series of hard luck and downright awful Mariners teams. Brilliant player. Brilliant.
Serious question then: Did Curtis have an impact on the unravelling of Knoblauch's career?
"Totally wrong. This needs to be stopped...When you give a man your word and pull out, then give another man your word and pull out, then give another man your word ... not proper."
Pretty much the story locally, yeah. Plus it'd be an untenable position for Epstein and Hoyer if (when) the day came to sever ties with him. You could never fire Sandberg in this town.
Yes, no recent world class professional footballer would ever wear such a thing.
Job done. Moving on.
Only boot you ever need.
Sounds to me like a shambles of an organization trying to plant a little PR friendly story to make their fans think they actually have some clue how to build a football team. Florio, as he does often, bit.