Shane Nicholson

Hi, Mike.

His next exclusive will be your exclusive.

Florio's still going at his original story and hasn't acknowledged the fact York handed him his dinner. Cause, you know, reporting.

Where'd you get this transcript?

"I have zero expectations for Jack Zduriencik. Any expectations I had are gone." –Jack Zduriencik

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Ehhh... pretty much any Albertz strike could rip your face off:

I gotta think after reading this morning's bit from Barry on the executives that Herm's placed himself perfectly a head coaching position.

I hope someone is logging the stupid coming from the @InsidetheNCAA account right now.

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No guarantees he'd understand how to operate the bus, how he got there in the first place, basics of sentence construction, breathing and chewing gum (with or without a pink sweater), or how one provides sports talk shows with hours of fodder in just under 60 seconds.

Cement mixer works with lemon juice as well, obviously.

Somehow worse than these:

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I'm curious for the Yankees' fans, what felt worse: The double, which had to have at that point felt like a foregone conclusion, or the grand slam, which you had to be sitting there thinking, "There's no way he's going to do it again..." ?

His counting stats (those things the old bastards want to see) are hindered by the fact the Mariners felt Jim Presley was the man at third. Jim Fucking Presley. It actually is his middle name.

Thankfully the R&A is a bloodthirsty for-profit set out to extinguish careers of renegade Frenchman who feel they can make a living off their glorious game.

Worst part of this was it was a delayed call by the ref who from his position in the backfield was blind sighted. The umpire had a clear view and didn't give a fuck.

Eh, I nicked one out of the Tom Black Track press box back in 2002. One of the best things I got out my time at UT, it's still in use to this day. You can't overstate the value of a quality stool.

But yeah, this guys seems like an idiot.

Best pure #9 of the generation. Can never get enough Zlatan.

The Wonder Years? Anyone?

I'm sure the two open seats directly in front of the couple or the ENTIRE GODDAMN STAIRCASE were out of bounds for this seasoned pro. Good thing she had the angle to capture the look on the bride-to-be's face, cause, you know, the image you really want in the proposal snap is the uncomfortable stoicism in the face of