
Lots of left wing shilling in here. You guys have no actual idea why this happened and are foaming at the mouth to try and make a connection to Republicans somehow. Pretty pathetic.

Conservative here, I’ll save you the Billy Madison-esque “we’re all now dumber” speech.

Stockton Rush was an idiot. 

An idiot built a deep sea submersible out of a material multiple professionals vehemently warned him against using, he ignored them and continued to eschew every established safety protocol in the field, resulting in their death.

If there’s one silver lining, it’s that an implosion would have been a quick death and they wouldn’t have suffered like they would if they suffocated. 

I realize I’m giving a lot of “benefit of the doubt” today, and may just be feeding trolls, but I do genuinely hope more information can help people understand. Call that the naïve optimist in me. Anyway:

Ok, if you say so. 

Everything you’ve said is fine and true, but that doesn’t change the fact that calling people names they don’t want to be called isn’t a nice thing to do.  Sometimes people deserve to be labeled if they don’t want to, but if a cisgendered person says they don’t want to be called that, it should generally be respected.

Hate, and being hateful toward people has zero value to society. It takes just as much energy to be positive, supportive, and helpful. Why would someone actively choose to hate another person, or group of people?

Hate toward your fellow humans in any shape of form is useless, and in some situations dangerous, and

We (I guess I am one) simply know that biology is a thing”

You big cissy 

As Elon is a proponent of free speech, I am hopeful he will re-think his stance on

The term “cis,” in any context, is just a boring old modifier meant to get more specific within a broader category. If you’re a chemist, talking about isomers, that’s your broad category — within it, you can focus on cis isomers or trans isomers, differentiated by the arrangements of their bonds. The same thing

I agree, and everyone should all be a proponent of free speech.

I do not like the term cis to be referred to me. I have no problem with gays, lesbians, etc. Ill call you what you want. But they also want to use a term on others that may not be universally accepted by us straights. There were places that were called or had in the name retarded at one point.

Lot of ‘medical descriptors’ have become slurs.  Like the terms for people with less then average intelligence, or those with less than average height.  Furthermore, do we really need a descriptor for 99% of the people.

First off, I don’t agree with this being universally labeled as a slur. But the specific example of Esses in a vacuum seems hard to refute as harassment.

Missed these two...

Pedant in me can’t let it go.  A league isn’t a measure of depth, but distance. 

So you are saying Jules Verne traveled in a Narco sub, maybe five feet under the water, but for 60,000 miles?