
Read the book it was cool

Yes to the batteries, No to the snacks. Starvation is the last worry you have in a deep-sea submersible with no toilet functions.

LOL My pen name is GoodNight Shamalamadindong

Double A battery powered” = drop into that “7-11"! ...

The ghosts of Titanic have spoken.

No you idiot, it was  Right, Left, Down, Up, A, B, Select, Start! Now it’s totally locked up!

Everyone’s focusing on all kinds of random details (“controller! elevator! funny brass valves!”) when this big guy is in the room trumpeting and waving his tusks:

I’m not an expert in DSV design or construction, so I’m not going to go so far as to agree that this was amateurish or unsafe. But when you consider what a real DSV looks like - with it’s multiple redundancies, emergency separation systems, navigation systems, and the small matter of a design that allows the crew to

Sad story. Fuck that HOA bitch. But the last part where the towing company came through?  I could die now, because I think I’ve heard it all.  Kudos to them for doing the right thing.

I was under the impression that all the Daytonas and Monzas have already been sold. I’m afraid you will have to save your dollars for the next edition of the Icona series. 

I’m guessing a majority of those vehicles don’t go through more than 2 tanks a decade anyways

LOL...that was good.  A shame that the interior isn’t brown too...that way, when you shit your pants driving at 177mph, it won’t stain the seats.

Eh...better than freaking gray.  When done correctly, metallic brown works.

The cynicism is likely warranted but I’ll play devil’s advocate and say that’s probably not the case here.

Wash it? Oh, you poors. One wear and it goes in the bin, mate.

That, or ‘rob me, please’

I will use this as an illustration of a Veblen good.  

Like I say, the sales tax aka VAT (value added tax) is in with the price.

I am going to be that guy:

20% buyer’s premium? Isn’t that excessive? I’m used to seeing 10%, but maybe 20% is the norm in the UK.