Well that certainly seems to be Putin’s playbook: “Damn the economic sanctions hitting my rich buds who keep me in power, full steam ahead with my place in history!”
Well that certainly seems to be Putin’s playbook: “Damn the economic sanctions hitting my rich buds who keep me in power, full steam ahead with my place in history!”
I’m actually surprised there was a year where they sold 1/4 as many Giulias as BMW did 3-series. I rarely see those things, and there’s an Alfa dealership (with an always-full lot, I might add) a couple miles from my house.
Not while wearing a uniform during an illegal protest.
Not while swearing to protect their states, and to hold themselves to a higher standard than the rest of the populace.
And then?
No, they can’t side with bigots.
Not a cool look for the people you hope will protect everyone, not just the White people who believe…
All truckers are not bad people.
“Truckers” that use those rigs as weapons (the tiny tiny tiny percentage of all Canadian truckers), blocking the border and preventing people from doing their jobs, doing more harm and blocking more work than they ever claimed to to free up, while at the same time being funded by the…
On the contrary, he's 100% what they want
I think you spelled "Donald Trump" incorrectly.
But doing a crime *because* someone is flying a flag that indicates membership of a specific, historically oppressed group can be considered a hate crime. *Intent matters*.
What I don’t get in all of this crap the past few years is how smug those of us on ‘the left’ are...just because we think we are ‘on the side of the angels’. When it comes down to it, might always equals right, and the side with all the gun-toting, hate-filled fascists is the OTHER side. When it comes down to it, they…
How’s that go again?
And then they sucked each other off.
Here: https://www.jurist.org/news/2022/02/canada-dispatch-both-the-liberal-and-ndp-parties-have-plans-to-introduce-new-federal-legislation-on-hate-symbols/
It’s mostly Covid that kills cops these days, yet the cops support Covid by not getting vaxxed. Were you under the impression cops are *smart* people?
I’m sure their free speech laws closely mirror our own in the Great White North, but even here in Bald Eagle Land, that freedom ends as soon as you start interfering with other rights and laws. Namely, doing your effing job as a law enforcement officer.
Only cops can’t have opinions. Right?
You wanted one - here’s one. Anti-asian slurs, harassment, then assault (2 guys shoved the victim down, and then ran away like the cowards they are).
On the one hand, that’s the officer’s personal opinion, and last I checked, in Canada you’re free to have opinions on things.
Kinja is a broken mess. I was ungrayed on Gizmodo, then later for some reason only ungrayed on Earther, then got completely grayed out.
It would be fun to see an ice racing series based on these.
I see you, you’re not gray