
So? Corporate income tax was cut by 10% under that guy. So they bank it here instead of ireland. It’s still not taxed.

I’m not a democrat, but you only named democrats. Don’t forget the republicans and the tax pledge.

This.  I’m as liberal as it gets and Obama was a disaster as far as I’m concerned.  So many wasted opportunities. 

You cherry picked a line to suit your purpose, after that I said:

Dems had all three branches under Obama and did fuck all about stuff like this.”

It’s been like this for decades. It’s not going to get fixed by one administration, especially considering that it’d be career suicide for politicians to vote for legislation that’d fix it. Remember, nothing is more American than “Business über Alles.”

Makes you wonder if the true representation of a successful democratic system is that the elected officials are exactly average. Average intelligence, average ideas, average drive. A true link to the average voter.

The choices we’re presented give us no avenue for change. The system is rigged to give us the government that the wealthy think we little people deserve.

I no0ticed you only mentioned Democratic presidents. I guess GOP presidents are powerless as they are corrupt?

Agreed, it’s every politician’s fault not any one group or party. They get away with murder because they say a few things their constituents want to hear.

Agreed, it’s fucked.

Where did I specifically blame Obama? I simply pointed out something about that era.

Citizens United locked that problem down to a level that now requires either a 2nd Supreme Court decision or a Constitutional Amendment. Corporations and the mega-wealthy were given a LOT more control over politicians with that John Roberts/Tea Party decision.

All politicians are inclined to do nothing. Every politician has favored companies and donors and all those companies use the same tactics to avoid taxes. Why should democrats piss off big donors from silicon valley? They wont get more money themselves from the taxes but they will lose campaign funds.

The government you elect is government you deserve.

Let’s be real: this is the fault of our elected officials. Dems had all three branches under Obama and did fuck all about stuff like this. Biden will do fuck all about this. Until we have campaign finance reform no politician will do anything about this. Yet....every election we vote for these people because they’re

homers simpson’s sister in laws selma and patty drive a thing and one of the charlie’s angles in the 70s had one.

A Thing was also featured prominently on the great, but short lived Lodge 49. It was the car of the main character Dud, played by Wyatt Russell.

Alfa needs to bring back that front end

You mean ‘Weden.