
The Ami is desperately due an upgrade, hopefully with 2CV suspension. If it was the exact same vehicle but with soft suspension it would be worthwhile 

If Stellantis couldn’t arse themselves to finance the old 2CV's ingenious suspension then they deserve nothing less than bankruptcy

Depending on if it’ll be a Crossover-SUV god forbid, but look at the Dacia Spring and Leapmotors T03 for some refreshing light EVs

Considering that the ID BUZZ has a Cd of 0.29 it shouldn't be difficult 

A bit of plastic like the original C3 can only do so much. If this new 2CV comes with cynical retro baiting on top of typical McPherson struts and not the 2CV’s iconic swing arm Lateral suspension skateboard design (perfect for EV modularity) then they should forget it. We dont need the 2CV being disgraced like the ID

It’s a bit of a target for anyone looking for those billionaire climate collapse bunkers

The internet is long long dead

Well that is welcome news about the coolant, thanks a mil!

The refresh was pretty muddled which was its main critiques. The fake front grille and while the 36kWh battery was amazing for its efficiency, its charge rate was less impressive than the 27kWh. There's still a bunch of unsureness with heat pumps and even active battery cooling, Hyundai was working with 2015 chassis

Stellantis should be making more heavy quadricycles that China is capable of producing millions of, heavy quads that aren’t as underwhelming and poor value for money as the Ami/Topolino.

If it’s anything like the car based on the Citroën ëC3, then hold your breath since that car was supposed to be the Oli...

They’re doing ok here in Europe but unfortunately Chinese automakers like Ora have betted on the strategy that they need to build a premium brand identity to complete with MINI. Whereas BYD has made massive strives in the EU by being an affordable and EV alternative to Hyundai and Toyota, making a success out of being

The western markets and automakers will collapse eventually. It’s not a fun thought but they’re digging their own graves, plus climate collapse, genocides and geopolitics, an awful lot can happen in 6 years before 2030

Have you noticed that there's far less small cars to choose from to begin with?

And automakers/executives primary focus is to maximise profits and compete (for investors, stock buy backs) in who makes more profit. 

You are pointing out the fundamental flaw of the real world market today, and why it’s bound for another collapse

If only Nissan wasn't so wreckless for its lack of battery thermal management 

Honda E, Fiat 500e and any Mini share the same customer base, wealthy families who need (or want to gift) a small, cute runaround without feeling ing cheap.

The pre-2020 Ioniqs were so close to the Goldilocks car (and far closer to that goal than what Toyota could manage with the Prius).

Sadly VAG couldn’t/wouldn't make enough eUPs, and worse they don't see the ID.3 to be suitable for NA market