
“The Filipino Senate proposed a plan that would have the vehicles auctioned off with the money going to victims of natural disasters. Senators said that it takes more money, energy, and resources to destroy them when you factor in the resources used in making the cars. Sound reasoning. But with Duterte in office,

Put the fascist on a feeding tube in the family football game and eat with a clean conscience.

Last year it was little white children and parents out there marching and saying “no justice, no peace” along with black folks. It won’t be a 100% permanent conversion rate, but some of those white kids won’t back down as they grow up.

Remember Blue Lives Matter unless it is inconvenient for them to matter, like the January 6th terrorist attacks.

Thanksgiving dinner must be a blast.

You mind providing a link to the poll(s) you are talking about? The most recent -- as in last month -- poll from NPR shows that people of all races think just the opposite. 

I’m sure there’s a poll that says that. All I can do is to continue trying to engage people on lines of commonality. The media has framed all of these conversations in such a way that it’s impossible to progress them, and I’d argue that polls’ questions and demographics are structured entirely within that framework,

Did Florida decriminalize killing protestors with one’s car? In Minnesota it is not yet legal to kill a protestor with your car since there is not a GQP gov. and House and Senate.

White people polled recently have already turned reverted to their pre-George Floyd opinions on the policing/racial injustice in policing. 

It’s tragic, but one teeny, tiny silver lining, is that I’m hopeful Americans are largely finding common ground on many many issues and beginning to wake up from ideology soaked propagandistic news corporations that have had us at each other’s necks for decades. 

Intentionally driving your car at a police officer gives them the legal authority to shoot you dead, and rightly so. It’s Assault With A Deadly Weapon, officially. But to *some* politicians right here in ‘murica, such an event doesn’t even rate as a crime when the target changes from one kind of human being to another

Blocking a driveway means you get run over? That’s questionable logic there, my dude. And yeah, if you’ve just attacked someone by ramming them with your car,  I think you can expect to get stuff thrown at you.

The miners are well within their rights to picket their shitty employer. But even if they weren’t, it’s still illegal for the trucks to run people over.  You don’t have the right to maim people because they’re in your way.

There is again those grey areas.

Well, he literally refers to himself in the third person as “Law Enforcement”, so unfortunately this is closer to literal truth than satire

They think the world is a prison and they are the prison guards.


Just time and again the question is: What the fuck are cops thinking?!?

Holy shit, she’s white.

So much this.