
I think they just wanted to withhold funds from schools.

Bubonic plague or GTFO

That’s a good combo though, Coke and 7UP. Apparently 7UP Gold was ”spice” flavored with apple, cinnamon, and ginger ale. I do not remember it like that, at all. It was created by Dr Pepper right before 7UP bought them. Maybe it’s Dr Pepper and ginger ale? With a splash of Manzanita Sol?

I will admit, I did try to recreate 7UP Gold this summer. I have a decent sense of taste memory, and access to a ton of flavor extracts, so I figured it would be easy.

Hey, at least some rich assholes are getting richer, right? That’s what’s most important.

Dude, his Dad? TOTALLY owns a dealership.

Holy shit! You all are in your *feelings* about this! Coming for me like a week later and shit, just, damn.

Yes, we currently posses the rudiments of this technology.

Soft serve and creamed spinach doesn’t sound really good, no.

The “believeability rating” on this movie is quite low.

Super...wait, uh, why are you telling me?

It’s human meat, right? Yeah, I’m confident that it’s human meat. I saw that episode of Tales From The Crypt.

No, the “their” employed was referring to the the band, but I re-read the article and it was a lawyer, not their manager. I’m so grossed out by that ambush. That was some sleazy fuckshit.

Oh, there are probably a few questions more people are asking.

Or we could stop thinking like downtrodden serfs, just allowing the rich to run all over us. Grow a collective spine and push way the fuck back on their oppression. Silence all of the brainwashed idiots that defend the indefensible sociopathic behavior of the wealthy and finally show ourselves that we don’t need the

Dr Phil needs a haircut.

Thank you! I knew I read about this dude’s fuckery before, I just couldn’t remember where, or how to word the Google search to find it.

I can’t see the comment here, but I can see it in my notifications (Kinja) so I will address it. I absolutely do NOT throw the wet washcloth in the hamper, that’s gross.

One would use a different washcloth each shower...then you wash the washcloths in the laundry and sanitize it in the dryer. Pretty simple logistics that I was able to master as a child.

I knew I would find ppl more my speed on The Root’s discussion of this caucasian nonsense. AV Club was a lot of folks who don’t bathe daily, don’t use washcloths, probably don’t wash their legs, and have elaborate excuses why they don’t. Actively (but politely) argue that they don’t need to.