
My point was that the iPhone was NOT an innovation. It was a flashy repackaging of existing stuff. Same as the iPod, or anything else Apple did after the Apple II.

Funny how as-is laws are always met with “you don’t have to buy it” for the suffering customers, but the defense from that auto sales industry is “we have to buy it”. You don’t have to buy that clapped out altima, my friends. If you don’t buy it, you can’t re-sell it. If you do buy it, you still don’t have to sell it


Why, it’s almost as if a real truck is built to withstand punishment that an awkwardly folded piece of tinfoil can’t or something.

The Maverick hasn’t been touted as an apocalypse-ready vehicle, and a “beast”, by a raving lunatic bent on selling an over-hyped toy as a serious vehicle. 

Awwww... rich famous person was held accountable for his actions.

Public transit would solve this, but no no no, you can’t have that. If you build a bus system for rich old white people, you’ll have to build busing for poor and Black neighborhoods.

It’s the same for caravanners - the vaunted “grey nomads” - in Australia. Take up an inordinate amount to resources for tiny towns, but actually contribute fuck-all. They bring their own food, own accommodation, but towns are expected to build and maintain camp sites for them.

I find it hard to believe that people stuck in Texas smile.

Fuck unity. Reap what you sow, asshole.

I doubt it secured a win any more than the debate seemed to. There’s a lot of time left and I’m not about to call it over yet. Opinions are pretty solidified around him for the most part and he’ll find a way to squander whatever sympathy and goodwill this might have gotten him soon enough.
Not saying it’s going to be

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

ACAB. Everyone in the chain that kept him employed and on the road.  It’s the entire rotten system.

I’m gonna take a wild guess that he immediately jumped out of his car, drew his gun, and cuffed the kid’s lifeless body. And then maybe even asked “do you know why I pulled you over today?”

Make her a villain and the cries of “antisemitism” from that side will be so loud our probes out by Neptune will be able to hear it. This really is a no win situation from Disney and they should just drop her entirely.

It sort of is! Will Harris, Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, Jesse Hassenger, and Nathan fucking Rabin have all returned already. Now we just need A. A. Dowd and Sean O’Neal and we can unseal the apocalypse.

That’s disappointing, but Innerspace and Enemy Mine are still pure gold.

Nobody said, ‘I love you.’

“wanted to pay it forward