
Well, yeah, technically he is a Khan... :)

This is what happens when you hire a guy for a college football job with no relevant experience or qualifications, just because his last name is Bowlsby.


It almost goes without saying that when you combine alcohol and drugs and raging hormones and the experiences of 18- 22 years old, it’s probably unrealistic to think that these kinds of things are never going to happen

Typical Tebow. Called an audible and ran.

Oh sure china, your colossus is bigger, badder and newer, and towers over the huddled masses longing to be, but our old gal still has it.

I had a LOT of fun in my twenties, then had two kids so I guess this represents my vag to crazy, possibly fictitious god sandwich lady.

If the Earth were round, Giancarlo Stanton’s dingers would go straight into outer space. Think about it, you guys.

We’re playing a really good team in the Wizards, a great team. Great young talents. Good coach.

The Great Donald was right yet again. Just turn on the water, idiots.

I think it’s only a violation if the players sell them while still in school like the Ohio State pants thing, as long as the players keep them while still enrolled it’s no different from rings for national champioships or bowls or whatever.

Glad to see House Romulan make an appearance on GoT.

“You’ve Just Voted to Leave the EU. You Won’t BELIEVE What Happens Next...”

I just turned 30! I’m trying to get the ghost of Ronald Reagan to notice me!

I don’t know. She looks a little too old for that role.

This isn’t all that paranoid. I made fun of an ex when she did this, but as soon as the PRISM story broke, anybody who cares about infosec covered up their cameras. He’s a perfect target for hackers and spear phishers.

I wasn’t ready for this...

Now playing

I’d love to watch LeBron try sepak takraw.