Please put a trigger warning for ommetaphobes.
Please put a trigger warning for ommetaphobes.
I used to go with the pat of butter in the middle of the burger before grilling. Shaved butted mixed in the ground beef sounds amazing. I am a donkey.
It’s definitely worse because you still had a chance of sharing your meth addiction with her.
Wow, she’s tall!
Also no backstop, dugouts, or stands in general. The area of play would extend infinitely in all directions - imagine catchers needing to run 500 feet on passed balls and 3rd basemen trying to catch fouls dozens of yards into foul territory.
Crazy little bits of gold.
It’s only 4 games.
Matt “Bootstraps” Boling
Shower, bath, shower, and fuck the environment AMIRITE?!
I’M not surprised.
“Your parents were once cool and not insane.”
You’ve already punched her in the face, punched her in the stomach while she was pregnant, and strangled her - I’m sure she’s plenty terrified.
But you can’t.
Pussy Riot gets a rise out of Lethal Boner.
Good vibrations all around.
Je ne suis pas un orignal, chienne, sors de mon foin.
Living in a world where President Golf Digest sounds so appealing.
Ugh - second time I need to post this on Deadspin today: