
You would re-sign Ryan Fitzpatrick if you were in full-on tank mode.

Rose is at his best when it’s 3-on-1.

“If you didn’t want to be raped, you shouldn’t have come to Baylor in the first place.”

The chance that it’d be this guy was Juan-in-a-million.

Triangle man, Triangle man.

Remember kids: Never take more than you can handle, and always know your dealer.

Does Yo Gabba Gabba! count?

“I am Art Briles, and I approve this message.”

“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

Rebel scum.

Seriously, fuck Yoo.

I have a dream. And I have the best dreams. Nobody dreams like me, believe me. You’d have to be in a coma to dream like me, and I’m not even sure those people dream as good as me. Have you seen those people in coma? You should see these guys [pantomimes unconsciousness]. And you know what? The comas can’t vote. That’s

The MV-22 is a piece of shit. Military tiltrotors sound good on paper since they’re supposed to do a lot of different things, but in reality do nothing well.

“Can he run the triangle?”*

Such a hater, Burneko. His teammates know his true value...

or the balls.

Goldfish is the right choice. He’s not wheat thin worthy.

I knew there was a second gunman.

He will be alright once self-driving cars and sex robots hit the market. And be “he” I mean humanity.
