
Boys will be boys!

Worst season of The Wire ever.

That was DEET - he was trying to help


To be fair, he tried to pass on the speaking engagement, but it was incomplete.

Christ - but better him than some poor mechanic.

Interesting - I understand rings for national champioships or bowls, but if the school is just making shit up and giving stuff away for it, then we got some kind of slippery slope.

Real question - If these rings have monetary value, isn’t it a violation to give them to the players?

Hinton - “Yes! It worked!”

She’s got so much dirt on her shoulders that they need to be armored.

If you haven’t biked in awhile, I would also suggest making notes of your general physical condition, flexibility, balance, and in particular any physical limitations you may have. An experienced bike shop will be able to guide you to types of bikes and components that put less stress on certain parts of your body.

Kudos to the kid for getting into the game. Anti-kudos for publicizing a crime.

Nancy was 10 years younger than Ronnie. Why do you think he called her “Mommy”?

I’m in my 30s - I assume that my future wife is currently in utero.

How is she even alive, much less acting? Maybe she could be the Cryptkeeper in a rebooted Tales From the Crypt.

Hacky sack level: Asian

He’d probably be good at netball.

You can try knuckle push-ups, as it will change the wrist position, but most people find them much harder than a traditional push-up.