
Without alcohol, its like

Push-ups! For all of us lazies, who can’t (won’t) get to the gym and don’t have exercise equipment, a regular regimen of push-ups will do a lot for all sexes, body-types. Start with modified push-ups if can’t do a regular one, and just keep doing them most days of the week, and keep adding more reps when you can.

As I like to call them: unicorns.



Creditors can be real bears.

Go back to Cicely, Rob!

There is some one-armed oompa loompa out there planning revenge.

Gagh is best served live, then fed like a bird feeds her chicks. I mean, just look how excited these fellas are for some fresh gagh!

Its funny how Kevin Love is affecting both these teams. The Klay-for-Love trade is obviously ludicrous now. And I wonder how much better the Cavs would be with Wiggins?

We shall remember this whole ordeal as The Spaghetti Incident.

The Neighborhood of Make Believe had more nuanced characters than The Phantom Menace.


Butterbean - not at all successful, occasionally entertaining for all the wrong reasons.

If the Warriors win, Joe Lacob will demand to named MVP.

Who wins the least like-able owner trophy this year? Gilbert vs. Lacob is like the Ali vs. Frazier of douchebag billionaire battles.

Crazy - a heartfelt (or even a faked heartfelt) apology and/or some explanation may have moved me to be sympathetic. Given the details, I may have updated the review to include the telephone call you described above. I think you’re too hard on yourself, as your honest review was indeed helping others avoid this

Thorin, did your conversation include any discussion regarding what seems to be your legitimate gripes against his business? I’m curious to hear what explanations he might have had for the bad work done.

According to that map, the entirety of Mexico and Canada will have 33-40% chance of being cooler than normal, which will be great when I flee Trump-erica.

It’s not “Child Kills Self,” it’s Dad Kills Daughter.

Great article - I love bloodies! I think one of the main aspects of a great bloody is fresh horseradish, rather than prepared (which is fine when you don’t have fresh or don’t want to go through the trouble of grating). Also, you should try using fresh green tomatillos instead of red tomatoes in your recipe - some of