
Apropos to the main post:

This guy.

Smooth, mostly because it’s the longest song, so overall you’ll be hearing it in its entirety fewer times than the other songs. I completely understand that the counterargument will be “Rob Thomas.”

He retroactively loses Wonderlic points because of this, right?

I don’t know who per se, but I’m hoping that he gets eaten by the (remaining) Stark direwolves.

“The Science of Us goes on to explain that if you don’t cringe—or don’t have a problem at all with hearing your own voice, you may either have higher self-esteem than many of us, be better at handling that multiple-perspective approach to life, or, just maybe, you’re just used to it.”

Also remember to move around when you try on the suit to judge its comfort. Something that looks well-tailored in the fitting room mirror may be uncomfortable to wear in the real world, and no matter how nice a suit looks, it looks bad on a figdety uncomfortable person.

This is a trick of perspective - here’s the dog next to a non-Mountain sized humanoid:

Rougned plays baseball with malodorous intent.

This is a perfectly cromulent problem to have.

I navigate by checking Googlemaps on my phone, often while taking a shit, so I’m not at all impressed.

Oh boy, here come the #vinylgate bros!

I bet she kept calling owl night long.

In Soviet Russia video games play you!

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