
Fuck Baylor.

Mike I know I speak for many Jalops when I say that I wish I were you right now, sigh....

Steve Bannon looks like every description of Wilbur Whately from HP Lovecrafts “The Dunwich Horror.”

d) Browse Craiglist for: Max Price 5000, Max Year 1980

If we lived in a world where the 924, 928, and 944 were the only cars, we’d be in a much better place. There would be no war, just endless peace while everybody helps everybody change their timing belts and clutches. The torque tubes of peace!

Just another one of my daily Craigslist temptations, along with a 944. *sigh*

I dunno, maybe we should all just drive Porsche 928s and nothing else.

I’d rather have the red thing with the Wookie on the hood.

I don’t know what it’s like to drive, but damn do I enjoy staring at it.

The doll recordings still work. Beware. They are like the sing-song dreams of haunted dead children.

So you want to drive this... I have actually had a hitchhiker retract their thumb shake their head at me. Hopefully my dream version will have an LS swap and 6spd modern auto, perhaps a rebuild of the suspension components as well.

Uhhhhh, I don’t know who I need to break it to, but Ms. America Chavez is definitely


Vin Diesel probably wasn’t given any power wedgies from the high school football team, either, but that man loves the fuck out of Dungeons & Dragons and the history of the Punic Wars. Being awkward and ugly are not actually requirements for having nerdy interests.

I’m pretty sure if Jesus was there, he’d be all like “where the fuck did all these Pharisees come from?”

As a lifelong Padres fan, having actual optimism for the upcoming season is a little unnerving.

This is what kills me about these “Christian” business owners. A photographer/baker/florist/DJ/venue/caterer could easily avoid booking a gay wedding* or whatever else makes them feel morally uncomfortable (ugh)—EASILY—by just saying “Sorry, looks like we’re already booked that weekend.” Done. That would be the end of

I lobby for off-road mod muscle cars to become the next car fad.

you're never too old to play with Legos

Porsche 959. That is all.