
I watched the game last week and can tell you why. 

$5M to go away (assuming he gets paid out for his 2020 deal) AND he doesn’t have to continue with that dumpster fire of an organization?

Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.

I’m not going to look but I’m certain that there’s football people who are going to hold this against Darnold for the rest of his career, as though there’s literally anything he could have done to shrink his spleen, and that he in any way should have tried to play anyway.

The only thing worse than the hype for this movie is the fanboys who have to defend it’s honor against...what? A review that called it pretty good but not great? I mean, a B- from Dowd is one of the higher grades he gives out. Imagine how aggrieved you’d feel if you experienced actual problems.

If there is a baseline between exuberant celebration and disturbingly degrading behavior, these videos are a slow roller toward first that might not stay in fair territory.

Kinda feels like they’ve never seen a woman before. 

“not all boomers”

Racists have abandoned basketball long ago in Philly.  They also can no longer afford to live in Philly.  Joel is good.  

Nothing more American than being wrong, I guess.

Monsters of the Jetway

If only all NFL owners had the moral fortitude to just not sign a headhunting sociopath, but let’s be real here. Not like he did something dangerous or distracting like, I dunno, refusing to stand for the national anthem.

That suggests the finances of the team are commingled with the personal funds of the owner.

It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.

Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia

Fun fact - they’re gonna try to do that anyway! Hell, they’ll cheat to do that anyway (see, McConnell. M.). The idea that we should purposefully restrict our own ability to do fundamentally good things on the off-chance (LOL) that later down the line the Republicans might try to do bad things is so bizarre I can’t

There’s something incredibly impressive and admirable when a player overcomes his own recovery and becomes viewed in the context of “just” an athlete, not a “comeback story” or anything of the sort. I would think most athletes vastly prefer the latter to the former; for example Jon Lester is now more well-known as an

Real talk - this was simple and elegant. Thank you. 

Except the headline read “Lawsuit: Antonio Brown Raped Former Trainer” so clearly it stated the allegation made in the lawsuit and was not concluding the truth of anything. I mean, it’s embedded in this article, at least try harder with the bad faith arguments.