Collins always seems surprised to find that she's a US senator and then further surprised that people want her to answer questions about her job as a senator.
Collins always seems surprised to find that she's a US senator and then further surprised that people want her to answer questions about her job as a senator.
It's not Gwyneth's fault though, it's the chef that doesn't washes his hands after handling pigs IIRC.
I liked this movie for being about a devastating plague that isn’t civilization-destroying - like a modern version of the 1918 Flu epidemic. Showing what a massive medical disaster would look like without spilling over into apocalyptic cinema.
...half of Godfather II, I guess?
Loved him in Zodiac. “Hey ‘Bullitt’! You gonna catch this fuckin’ guy or what?!”
Downey’s position as a Giant Movie Star is odd at this point, because it’s about 95% based on having played Tony Stark, 4% Sherlock Holmes, and 1% the vague memories of his career before that. He’s a brilliant actor (when he’s not doing bizarre shit like Dr. Dolittle) but is he really a leading man type? I think we’d…
I have a simple rule: I see a trailer with a song as awful as whatever that version of “What a Wonderful World” is, I don’t watch the movie.
Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!
He. Murdered. His. Dad.
To me, the best thing about Alien’s script (which is a very, very good script) is that it makes the Neidermeyer-esque rules stickler the fucking hero of the film and the only survivor.
Agreed in both respects. Claire does not seem like the kind of person who would read science fiction (medical journals seem more her jam), so she probably would not have read Bradbury’s A Sound of Thunder, and thus not recognized the peculiar ironies of that story to her situation. But she does seem to embody the…
I’m not really a ‘release the cut’ sort of cat, but if they ever come out with it, I’ll probably watch it, just like I’ve watched all the different versions of Blade Runner and do things like try to track down the Director’s Cut of relatively dumb movies like Elektra - just to see what is up with it.
Most James Bond movies are triumphs of production design and stunt choreography over plot, characterization, and theme.
I disagree - it is precisely this kind of art that showed me that a life of crime wasn’t for me - the highs are never worth the lows. Also Jim Spanfeller can eat a dick.
I’m a little disappointed that it’s not coming to a theater near me, though considering Dowd’s description of the de-aging effects, it might work a bit better on a small screen.
Martin Scorses is such a great director, it almost makes me not think for a second about what an absolute shitheel and incompetent Jim Spanfeller is.
Hey Drew. You’re the best, and good luck with the brain and everything.
A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?
I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports…