
Yes,  That is correct.  Unlike Alabama, the Phillies pay their athletes.

31 home runs, 102 RBI (and now 10 outfield assists) for like $26 million this year.

Since 1 WAR is worth about 8 million dollars, and he’s at 3.6 WAR for the year making 25 million, he has outperformed year 1 of his contract in only five months.

Steelers fans like him again now

This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. 

“He knows the city he plays in, he shouldn’t really be wearing the opposing city’s colors, especially the day they’re playing,” Harrisburg native Dave Manbeck said.

“Look, like whatever team you like, but don’t disrespect the city! You gotta be better than that!”
- Some idiot on Philadelphia radio tomorrow, probably.

“That guy, the one who’s huge and totally ripped and considered a great athlete by NBA standards, that’s the dude I’m gonna pick a fight with!”

reporters report the facts of a story.

Buying the on-ride video for him was honestly the perfect way of saying thanks.

The ITU cited a rule that penalizes athletes who cook up a “contrived tie situation,”

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

Incognito doesn’t need more hits. He is essentially David Carradine post five-point-palm-exploding-heart and we should just pray he doesn’t kill anyone else on his way out the door.

I actually hoped he would retire over this. Because even though I am a hypocrite who still watches and follows the NFL religiously, I am basically rooting for every player in the league to retire at all times and hopefully save themselves from a life of misery.

Well, now that Burfict is on the Raiders as well that would be an interesting situation.

Jokes aside, as a lifelong Steeler fan who rarely misses a game, I firmly believe that this hit is the direct cause of AB going from ‘entertaining and fun’ to ‘insane lunatic’. He was never the same guy after this game/hit. Take it for what you will.

The “Source” the athletic quoted doesn’t seem to understand how liability works. The NFL has a policy which is supposed to increase safety. If they knowingly violate that policy and allow a player to use old, unapproved, equipment that does not meet the policy and the player gets hurt, that’s when “the liability will

Thing is, in 1999 audiences left theaters satisfied, almost giddy, with Episode 1. Darth Maul was the character with the biggest impact and the climatic battle ended a 16 year light saber battle drought. It was in the years that followed that the nerd echo chamber exploded and public derision for the film came to the

Whoa, Charlie, my favorite political writer, on Deadspin?  Is this going to become a regular thing like Ratto?  Can we get a Ratto & Pierce podcast going?  I’m excited by the possibilities.

The 100 focuses on romance? How much of the show have you even seen? That was true in the early seasons but the later ones barely focus on romantic subplots.