
That bus is a sad monument to a sad story.

Interesting read. Certainly good to give some perspective that he was an actual person, not just the butt of jokes, and anyone who characterized the in-his-20s Chau as the embodiment genocidal evil or whatever went overboard (although I’m not sure that was as prevalent as the article implies).

The Skins could’ve cut Foster weeks ago and give him time to try and catch on with another team, but they waited until the day before training camp started in Richmond.

Executive producer: Werner Herzog.

Then don’t think of the cause and just approach the news with at least requisite sympathy/empathy for the family.

Given that he was in his hotel room, I think we can rule out vehicle crash. I do not think there’s any reason to think we can rule out all natural causes with no information whatsoever.

Or many other things.

Today is my birthday and I was doing the annual “What I’m going to do over the next year” exercise with a friend when this news hit. A reminder that a year, hell another day, isn’t a given. Make them count.

R.I.P Tyler and deepest condolences to his friends and family.

Philadelphia was heavily reliant on Butler to run the offense in last year’s playoffs and have replaced him with two guys who... can’t do that. Let's see what happens with Simmons. 

Wow, I thought this was one of those classic Deadspin comments where you write a meandering, turgid paragraph and then land the punchline, but you actually meant everything you wrote. Fuck man, kudos.


I’m a Cavs, Browns, and Indians fan.  Go ahead and prove every Boston fan stereotype correct.

but man, this is not at all how it was supposed to go!

Just like Game of Thrones, other than the setting, plot, production values, genre and production company. Got it.

This is the dumbest take. 

How the hell was DeMarcus Cousins the only person in Oracle Arena that was more concerned about Klay Thompson’s health than giving up a foul???!!! Did they not learn anything from rushing an injured Kevin Durant out there two days ago and playing him until his achilles tendon snapped??? What were they doing setting

It would have been a lot more hilarious if his technical foul for the timeout DID result in the Warriors coming back and winning, and then he got suspended for Game 7 because he hit the technical foul limit for the playoffs

I said this in another thread, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that Steve Kerr told his guys to call a timeout and take the technical foul in the event of an offensive rebound or tie-up or loose ball scramble. Letting the clock just run out for lack of timeouts would not be an option.

Come on, be fair. If he didn’t call the timeout and get the technical, he would’ve given his team even less chance of winning. The only way the Warriors could extend the game was by getting the technical.

Bruins, especially Chara, definItely committed the most non-called penalties in fucking NHL playoff history. Sit the fuck down or go cry somewhere else.