
Wow what a horrendous take. 

He would “stop playing” too if you felt like someone shot you in leg, FFS!!!!

To be fair, Marvel is notorious for shooting movies while giving the actors minimal info. Captain Marvel’s post credits scene was just Brie Larson on a green screen set being told to ask someone “Where’s Fury?” with no context on who she was talking to, how many people were present, where she was, what was prompting

He’s a billionaire. They banned him for a year and fined him $500k. That’s less than what he made from the start of the 2nd half until he got kicked out. I hope the union has a fucking field day with this shit in the negotiations for the next CBA.

the only reason he thinks he can get away with it is literally every single experience he’s ever had.

Yeah, that’s exactly what she’s saying: that the reporters absolutely knew who he was and chose not to report it.

You need to look at their $ totals going into final jeopardy again.

It’s syndicated; it aired this morning in one single place. In nearly all of the rest of the country it airs tonight. Dan knows this; all the writers know this, and I’m sure this was a decision discussed in their Slack. They just want to get to yell “NERDS!” at everyone who’s irritated with this.

Sorry, but the correct response was “What is, Annapolis?”

Damn, digging in our heels in on the “Fuck Spoiler Culture” thing, huh?

Country House, Andy “The Destroyer” Ruiz Jr., Emma “The Butcher” Boettcher.

He is a terrifying person

Because they want him to act honored that he played for them. Making him repay the money was fine. Expecting him to be happy about it is stupid.

I think we’re gonna need a bigger belt.

Tell you what big guy, read further. You covered instances when the arm is in what is called a “natural position.” UEFA made crystal clear this year that an arm held in an “unnatural position” will be penalized.

If she nightbloods all of the civilians the pretense of black blood = royal will completely devolve. Anyone could become eternal/god if they get a chip for their mind. Maybe Josephine’s plan is to learn the technology behind creating nightbloods and then do that process with a newborn child on the sly and continue the

And the very next part, too:

“was as irrelevant to the story as the White Walkers, whose presence and defeat didn’t matter to anyone. Genuinely insane how little both of those stories ultimately mattered.”

For the love of...