
I can’t wait to not have to hear from people not watching the show complain about the show

“Quite literally ANY of us could’ve come up with a more satisfying conclusion than this.”

It didn’t seem to exist at all. There were the two guys escorting Jon out of the city, but there were only Wildlings at Castle Black. I think it was just a ruse to trick Grey Worm. The Night’s Watch no longer exists, and everyone else knew Jon would run off with the Wildings.

So much hate in you. I can’t begin to imagine how sad and lonely your days must be for you to wait for nights to watch shows you disdain. 

Seriously, where the fuck did all those unsullied come from? Did they evolve to asexually reproduce?

I hate replay as much as anybody, but this seems a really odd place to make that case since if this had been any other race the horse would have been DQ'd, the jockey would have been suspended, nobody ever would have appealed, and the Stewards would have only looked at the film as a formality.

Yeah, there’s presumably a power vacuum all over Westeros now because most of the regions have lost their Lords Paramount. But it seems to have no impact on the main story, and no one even brings it up.  

In the books, at least, there are always cousins or cadet branches or something to pull from, it seems. Even the Starks, had Winterfell not been taken from them, could’ve continued on with some Karstark relative or something.

Right but what “home-court advantage” means isn’t “a guarantee that you’ll never lose at home,” but rather “theoretically you can win the series without having to win another road game.”

Ainge is the idiot who, by coyly broadcasting his promise to trade the team’s stock of young players for Davis if only the New Orleans Pelicans would wait until the summer, poisoned and destroyed the fragile internal ecosystem of a team with once-legitimate and now-ruined championship ambitions.

They’re literally winging it between the fact they have no original source material...

Um, I thought the symbolism was actually pretty obvious around the White Walkers-global warming conclusion:

Hey a planet that looks only about 50% like a near-Vancouver land plot - that’s actually pretty good work for a show like this. 

“I’ve been a part of organizations that had pretty good quarterbacks—Jim Kelly, John Elway, Kerry Collins, Eli Manning, Cam Newton. I’ve led a charmed life with the quarterbacks on the teams I’ve worked for. I know what good ones look like.

I think the point was that nobody noticed the insanity that Barry and Fuches are trapped in: Barry’s all bloodied on the street and nobody seems to see him even if he literally steps in front of those young women, Lilly spends an entire afternoon on the roof of a house and nobody sees her, etc. That all seemed like a

My favorite line was when Barry, surveying that room full of Taekwondo awards, and realizing the deep shit he’s in, turns around and says “Oh you’ve got medals too!”

Watching Lou evolve from promising lightning-quick potential future star on the Sixers to no-conscience usage gobbler on the Hawks and Raps to aging gunner (Lakers) to legitimate goddamn playoff hero has been a delightful and wholly unpredictable ride.

I thought that soup scene had one purpose: to let the viewer know that all the non-fighters are going into the crypt ... when there is a guy marching on Winterfell who can raise the dead as his own personal army.

Jacobian relates to matrices. You’re thinking of Jacobean. Not to be confused with Jacobin, relating to French radicals in the revolutionary era.