
NBA playoffs don’t reseed, so Celtics are getting Bucks regardless of what happens to Philly (assuming Bos and Mil both advance)

Melky Cabrera

I’m saying all that other stuff. 

Joe Biden is not getting my primary vote if he runs.

How was bring up Hart’s death tasteless? It’s providing stark, black-and-white evidence of the dangerous nature of the work, and thus the rationale for some kind of insurance/healthcare for wrestler. This is especially true for what I expect is the large % of Oliver’s audience that doesn’t watch wrestling and thus

How is it tasteless to bring up his brothers death? All he said about it was that his brother died in the ring, which was completely true. the WWE treats their entertainers as shit and I am shocked how these wrestlers are considered independent contractors when then literally get told when to work, where to work, and

I believe it ended last year, but Brown WAS getting paid by both Cleveland and GSW.  He was fired from Cleveland after a season and change, but he had a $20M/5 yr contract, with guarantees.  Don’t recall how much, but add that to whatever GSW are paying him and he’s doing quite well, not to mention he’s been a HC

This whole subthread is a hot mess.

No, I think she just wanted to focus on other things for a while outside of taking on every role offered to her. I imagine she’s spent a good amount of time with her family and her philanthropy. Wasn’t she also directing a few times?

Because he had to work the design over the BBB logo that is still visible. Good idea, poorly executed. The better play would have been not to tattoo your dad’s dumbass Clip Art logo in the first place. 

He can crash at my place. Heck the whole team can! We can get average bbq and go to the mall!

Look, I come to Deadspin for (among other things) the righteous takedowns of media outlets and figures for their hypocrisy and bullshit... but I kinda think you’re looking for something to get angry about here and missing the point.

How dare SI try something else to boost its dwindling readership and no longer write only serious sports pieces.

Embiid is the most likeable unlikeable nba player. Or the most unlikeable likeable nba player?

I bet McQuade is pissed he didn’t get to write this. Pretty well done, though, for the Gawker Media La Salle grad who DIDN’T torpedo his entire company by making pedophilia jokes under oath.

It gets lost in the humor of it but god do I feel shitty for the kid.  He may have been a bit overhyped as a no. 1 pick but achieving your dream only to immediately forget how to do the most basic task is just horrible.  And doing it in front of millions of irrational people.  I hope he finds success and fulfillment

I didn’t act like it was a personal affront, I mocked you for your dumb “joke” where you stopped reading because an artist described taking artistic license. I didn’t say anything about myself, which would be what taking personal offense would look like. Again, you’re getting overreacting to innocuous stuff, that’s

It must be tiring to get so annoyed with innocuous stuff like that. Artistic license? Heavens no! Totally makes sense for that to be the final straw.