Ocean Sage

“Ever since... American Beauty...-romantic depictions... as thrill rides... our gaze rarely averted by... bodies in motion... depicting the men... masochistically. [I]t enhances the urgency of... enormous sums of... energy... sucked” - A.A.Dowd

Most James Bond movies are triumphs of production design and stunt choreography over plot, characterization, and theme.

Hard disagree on Road to Perdition. 

It’s definitely a competitor for AVC Eyeroll-inducing Bullshit of the Year award. It would seem impossible for anyone other than William Hughes to even be in competition, but leave it to Katie to figure out how to stay in the game.

nah, he fucking sucks.

brick and looper were awesome. but something went to his head. he just had no idea the shoes he was filling for a second installment of star wars - Irvin Kershner’s.

and the point im making with that, is that literally everyone else but george lucas had better ideas for star wars than he did.

writer-director Rian Johnson is at the top of his game. Not that he has anything to prove at this point in his career...his fandom is large and enthusiastic, and even us finicky critics seem to love everything he does

You need perfectly tragic on a good way? You bring in Claire Danes.

...and no one can possibly be as awful as Winona Ryder so what the hell. 

But, like, you sorta were, because the consensus opinion is that Lady Bird is, at least, pretty good. And one gets the sense that most people who dislike it, whoever they may be, probably find it innocuous — just not their cup of tea or whatever. So, while you are, of course, entitled to express your opinion in any

Wait, what? To each his own, I guess, because Winona is my absolute favorite Jo. As a matter of fact, the 1994 version is my favorite adaptation of Little Women. 

That was a problem with the Winona Ryder version - Jo and Laurie had such good chemistry in that movie, it was hard to remember that you’re not supposed to want them to get together.

Hot take.

“No one can possibly be as awful as Winona Ryder”

Oh! And I forgot about Claire Danes! She was perfectly tragic (in a good way)!

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Winona Ryder-starring version, but I remember it quite fondly. Kirsten Dunst as the youngest sister who was obsessed with outward appearances was a standout.

1989 slaps and deserves its spot completely.

Carly Rae Jepsen was robbed, honestly

I came in to ask which Beyonce or Kanye West album was #1 and whether or no they’d tow the same line and order as Pitchfork’s list of if they’d rebel and swap the order.

good kid 100% deserves that spot over DAMN though, that album has held up amazingly well

Hey! I’ve heard some of these!