Ocean Sage

Short Term 12 is “serious, gritty indie about troubled characters” done right. It’s a gem.

Surprised that Short Term 12 hasn’t made it on many end-of-decade lists. Did you consider it at all?

Zero Dark Thirty was decried by some at the time as pro-torture propaganda”

Unpopular opinion: I hated Mad Max: Fury Road and I don’t know how anyone could rank this movie with no plot higher than masterpieces such as Moonlight or The Social Network.

Did I miss it or are there no MCU films on this list? What, did Scorsese put this list together or something?

How the fuck is Blade Runner: 2049 not on this list? It’s probably the best world building sequel that doesn’t ruin the original film. The rest of this list is good though

Was disappointed to not see Nightcrawler on this list, I thought it was one of Gyllenhaal’s finest work. I was glad to see Drive made it though, that elevator head stomp scene and the soundtrack are forever ingrained in my memory. 

Wonder Woman stepping out of the trenches into No Man's Land. My entire theater started cheering and a lot of it (including me) started crying. 

You opera stars are so fucking stuck up, Enrico Palazzo.

With such a perfect name for it, Finn Wolfhard missed his calling as a future porn star.

Good, because they sucked, hard...which, I mean, at their age, you’re kind of supposed to. Their festival sets last year were, like, 40% covers, and shaky as hell. If Wolfhard hadn’t been in this band, nobody would care, and then maybe they could have gone through the normal process of sucking for a while until they

Not ‘Ordinary People.’ Rather ‘Kramer versus Kramer.’

This seems basically like ‘Ordinary People’ updated to the 2010's, but I may be misreading it.

I think about my own propensity towards easy or escapist movies and how I could stand to try a little harder, but even reading this review is a raw nerve.

Now playing

RIP. I know it was a comic strip before this, but I can’t picture Robert Freeman without hearing “Spoon’s” voice.

Unquestionably one of those actors who, when they pass, you remember just how much of a presence they were while you were growing up. Never had the limelight, but always one of the best little bits of anything they were in. RIP.

Also, removing fantasy elements was the right move.

Nobody is pretending the show wasn’t good at one time. Stop.

I don’t hear fans saying the show started bad.  I hear them saying that the show was really great so long as the writing was coming from Martin, and once the writers had to actually write the story themselves it all went to shit.

I’m resentful for a reason. I invested a lot of time in GOT to watch it become the fracking walking dead. The viewers have every right to eviscerate these two “entitled” untalented white boys.