Ocean Dan

Get this... new Blu Ray players don't come with an HDMI cable either.

I hate to give you another alert (42 and counting just on this comment!) but I must reply...

Here's an idea; eliminate shawnem1's ideas. Problem solved.

Just buying gifts for my immediate family (5 others), I did the shopping for everybody but my sister online, and that was only because I had no idea what to get her so I got her some small things at the store I work at.

Haters gonna hate.

Wow, good spot.

It really is.

*sigh* That's the world wide web for ya...

We have our government for a reason, and that reason isn't to wait until a highly emotional event to happen for them to act in the best interest of the country.

I'm sorry you understood me to be attacking you. I wasn't.

Real statistics with explanations! Yayyy!

I agree.

Well said.

Wait a second...

There were a lot of different reports, believe me.

You're right...

Thanks for taking the time to type that out.

38 years back is 1974 and that's really pushing it for me...

But why would I buy trainers if I knew I was gonna run 7 miles a day?

I have an idea - let's all react purely on emotion concerning the national issue that is gun control.