It’s very important to boycott Wendy’s, because if this system ends up working, you can be sure it will spread like wildfire through the fast food industry and beyond.
It’s very important to boycott Wendy’s, because if this system ends up working, you can be sure it will spread like wildfire through the fast food industry and beyond.
“Freedom Dawg Games” reads to me as “We took an IQ test and it came back negative”.
But if you vote for Trump you are guaranteeing it. And at this point, if you don’t vote for Biden you may as well vote for Trump.
They even have free to play version of it on their website. Just astounding...
I wonder what pinball cabinet it was before it was defaced with all that nutso crap? They probably just scraped off the old paint and covered it up with some stickers. I find it hard to believe they would have the attention span to build it from scratch.
$600 is INCREDIBLY low to sell your name and likeness to something like that. I sold a YouTube video I had made to a fast food chain that wanted to use it for an ad campaign, and they paid me $3000. And this was back in 2012!
Nah, having a quirky name as a fighting game is kind of the norm. This name is nothing compared to GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2, Fighting Layer EX, “Under Night In-Birth”(!?), or Rumble Fish. Arc System Works has a particularly proud history of weird names for their fighting games. Hell, I still have no idea how to pronounce…
I don’t think the games really need to “communicate League of Legends.” It’s a fighting game set in Runeterra, not a fighting game set in League of Legends.
Sure, 2XKO is an atrocious name for a game, but not all of their games need to be “League of Legends: Fighting Game.”
It’s really difficult to square this logic with what is presumably the actual lived experience of being in the military, which presumably these same judges themselves experienced. Maybe the kid’s just trying to weasel out of it, who knows, but “He enjoys fake violence but has no interest in committing real violence”…
For the record, South Korea is infamously unreasonable on this matter. They regularly jail pacifist religious preachers for conscientious objection despite very obviously meeting all of the qualifications the court cited.
Great to know Korea’s Supreme Court basically operates on the same moral intelligence level as teen fanfic writers.
No, obviously if there’s anything you like to do to fake people made of pixels and polygons, you’re totally cool with doing it to real flesh and blood people as well.
I can’t think war is terrible if I enjoy playing shooters?
…you refused internet in your apartment complex?
That’s in the best scenario, which we rarely get. I feel like so many people says it will make development easier (I lack a better word here), but I’m fairly positive most indie games and small teams will still stay pretty vanilla in their development method...
AAA will use this tech much more than small developers,…
It won’t create compelling dialogue, ever. It will always be nothing more than a Rorschach test. You can see something in there, but only what you put in. It has no real meaning.
I saw someone make an excellent point that the fundamental issue with the AI generated dialogue is that it lacks intent. Like an author when writing those kinds of scenes has a sense of context and how those interactions are supposed to contribute to the larger whole, even more so if the NPC has meaning for the plot.
is this one of those “yeah art is just a way to waste time” things? or do you really think video games by definition are valueless beyond pure dopamine pump time suck?
That Hyundai key looks like an MP3 player from 2003
The BMW diamond key was a pretty elegant design. Not only did it retain a fairly normal size and shape, the buttons were well integrated and the key battery was charged wirelessly when inserted into the ignition.