Ocean Dan

I hope it doesn’t work, but there’s definitely cases where Wendy’s has a captive audience (drive-thrus in particular) and/or banking on people having limited time and deciding on the sunk cost of travel and I think it’s notably dastardly for this reason.

$20! Riot sells $40 (or more) knife skins in Valorant! But if you bundle it with the three other $20 skins, you get em all for a measly $60 - what a deal! Come back next month for the next batch!

By having two ultimate teams, one for each game 🙃

6.1" screen is not tiny...? That’s bigger than the Switch Lite (5.5") and virtually the same as the Switch (6.2"). Not to mention almost twice the screen resolution and undoubtedly a much better processor.

I’m a homeowner but big on “houses are homes, not investment vehicles” - our society would be much better and accommodating for all if that perspective was more commonplace so thanks for sharing that.

Fwiw I know Patreon offers features like unique/dynamic podcast (RSS) feeds and linked access to private Discord servers - good chance they offer functionality that can automate authentication code distribution for this dude that PayPal and Buy Me a Coffee probably never could.

Patreon (generally) works as an auto-renewing monthly (sometimes annual) subscription model: you pay a creator $x/mo (or yr) with no set term beyond that.

Ha, wow I totally forgot about their big data breach 😆

On one hand, I feel so vindicated because I know exactly these emails and have experienced all the frustration of a) never having signed up for them, b) having no unsubscribe option in the email (for a big, legitimate company!), and c) futile efforts to browse the site for an unsubscribe option that didn’t exist.

Definitely seems to be the new Uber/Airbnb/etc model: go fast and break the rules because they teeeeechnically don’t apply to your _technology_ business and start working to change the rules afterwards...

I know some won’t take the risk going used, especially with a fold, but two years ago I got a used mint Fold2, just one generation back, for half the price new. Besides 1 to 2, these generational differences seem to be coming out to be pretty minor and I don’t regret my decision in the slightest and I would happily do

ID.me is probably the biggest one - especially considering now our federal government (and apparently some state ones) uses it. Not sure why the federal government needed a private company to figure out how to do identity verification but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I have a feeling this is an article you gotta repost every year - keep on spreading it! 

Instead of just sensationalization, it would be nice to have some scale for normal people not experienced in digging or tunneling... how deep do they normal dig to extract oil? What other things do we dig deeply for and how much (or less???) is this relative to that? Perhaps it’s implied, but this article doesn’t even

They linked you to a specific pair of dirt cheap prescription glasses - they meant buy those and pop out the lenses because somebody made a mount sized for those basic round lenses. No need to do anything with your current glasses.

Remember Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts? 🥰

Is it too late to order seeds and start outside in the northeast? 

The “recycling” symbol on plastics doesn’t mean it’s recyclable :(

The article is pretty vague but I don’t think it’s referring to car share programs like that (Zip Car, etc) - I think it’s more or less a glorified month-to-month lease, albeit all inclusive (service, maybe fuel?). From an American perspective of “you need a car always”, of course a program like this is going to be

With a scummy move like this (and more in the past it seems?), would we really put it past them for not putting a simple DRM protection in the app’s code to brick it if it can’t connect to their server? The fact that it’s a single player game that _shouldn't_ require internet connection is exactly the reason I would