Ocean Dan


The point isn't its looks though. I'll admit it looks good for a luxury sedan, but look at its nose... you see that yellow circle that says "ACBC"?

I live near an ANG base so I see a lot of military planes, but 98% of the time they are just transports (not that that's a bad thing - C130, C5, C17... *drool*), but one day I saw an Osprey flying pretty low about 10 minutes from the base and my jaw dropped. It was astounding to see it flying in person. Beautiful

I bought my car (my first and only so far) because (in no particular order):

haha I actually love that Sony-style concept.

Hardware controls > soft controls

aha that's a pretty funny memory.

The Elite was a very good looking car, I'll agree, but it wasn't a Lotus (imo).

Why the hell not?

Can't get much more of a Stormtrooper look than the S2 Exige :D

Today on the way home, actually on my road, there was a deer that just crossed and (of course) two more deer waiting to cross.

Yay for government subsidies!

Matte paint is awesome. You're crazy dude.

I could have... but I didn't.

There are (arguably) easier ways to go about doing this, and such action is quite dubious legally.

I just like having cd's because they're cool and I can pop em in the car or any other stereo in my house and it feels like I actually own something.

Sh*t... we're f*cked.

I really am not too sure about the legality of this.

Gotcha. I knew it had something to do with Megaupload.

I've heard the name before but I don't know what this guy is known for...