That Fiat is really cool!
That Fiat is really cool!
In no particular order I'll give you a few perfectly legitimate reasons for pirating music - not all music, just a very small amount of it:
For some reason, I really want a classic Mini now.
I haven't been to any mechanics to work on my car - as I haven't had it long and will try as hard as possible to avoid all mechanic shops - but just two days ago I was going crazy because I got a new used alternator for my car and it had a broken bolt seized in on of the two mounting holes so I took my friend's advice…
Don't buy from sellers located in China...?
I didn't look into that last site you posted, but eBay has that little handy tool (well, nearly the same) built into their site believe it or not.
Similar, I used to look in the PDA section for smartphones.
Are those three lug wheels on the Smartcar???
I'm pretty sure Amazon uses USPS... at least for reasonably sized items. I've never gotten an Amazon delivery by UPS before.
Hmmm, I can definitely see some of that stuff being waived, like the harnesses or small brackets (unless they were mega cheapskates), but I'm surprised about stuff like the side view mirrors and to a lesser degree the shift knobs, where it seems like those things are actually worth a few books.
I second this.
With the inclusion of moonshine on this list, it's kinda in-between both sorts of "deadliness".
This ain't Youtube son!
Is "full stop" as slang derived from telegraph usage?
"Stealth text strike"... I chuckled ;)