Ocean Dan

I don't disagree with you, but an axe isn't the best of weapons to wield either.

I'm interested in knowing the circumstances as well.

Good point....

Well yes, upon learning of the plane's actual speed, we can rightfully say that the title is wrong, but how does the aircraft's shape make it clear to normal (non-engineer) that the plane is not supersonic??

Awesome story.

The article (on Giz) does not mention the plane's speed, but the title does specify "supersonic", which means that the planes surpasses the speed of sound, which means that the plane creates a sonic boom. You can't expect people to read the linked articles; I come to Giz to read the articles here, not to be

You gotta find your local hobomodo deals!

I've heard ~55 is the magic number as well. I want to say that it is in general the best highway cruising speed, but I've definitely heard something about it being most efficiently aerodynamically, as after 55 you end up using even more extra power to combat the drag.

Heh, I never disliked the Yaris.

Because TPMS are not annoying enough.

Ohhh it's Charles Darwin...

Am I the only one who always sees this with the GT-86 logo?

hehehe I'm gonna remember this one.

Epic Rap Battles news guy?

F*** earbuds.

I do agree with you concerning the car's design.

Regardless of whether it did specify the number of DLC's that came with the season pass, I do wholeheartedly agree that it is/was 110% bullsh*t.


Wait - what????

No and yes.