You're awesome.
You're awesome.
Check this out: []
Hehehe XD
Why couldn't Helen Keller drive a car?
I noticed this too.
I know a lot of people have suggested them here in these comments, but safety razors are well worth the suggestion.
Well yeah, you'd be getting your money back, but only after Facebook profits from your investment double your own return.
Actually, you need MS Publisher to be a graphic designer.
I considered buying Facebook stock when it IPO'd simply because I knew it'd skyrocket pretty immediately and then I'd sell soon for a small profit... but then I realized that I'd literally be investing in Facebook - giving them my money - and I said "hell no".
Oh god...
Needs moar flames.
Talking to yourself is fine... just don't do it when you're around other people.
For some time, I used to have my alarm set to a certain track on a Medal of Honor soundtrack (I attached the video so you can hear my epic alarm at the beginning) but the weird thing was that I would usually just wake up to my cd player before the music even started playing.
No, the Hennessey Venom GT doesn't count as a Lotus because it is most definitely not a Lotus.
"You don't simply go up to the drive-thru window and ask for one of these"
4 LEDs.
Color me impressed (and jealous).
"Yes, New York City has been encased in a bubble and transformed into an urban rainforest, with seven distinct environments (known as the Seven Wonders) ready to put Prophet's skills and technology to the limit."