
Our band of gentlemen has dubbed it, “the Walk of Shame”. I think it’s pretty apt.

All depends on the type of covfefe he paid for.

“Never. You will never, in real life, draw the “Bank Error In Your Favor” card from the Community Chest.”


I don’t think that’s what she’s doing.

Svetlana Fistcheeks is the face of dissent!

I think you’re right about the one on the left. But the one in the middle is making a heart, I believe.

She’s actually the one doing it right. Also the other tall woman not doing the racist thing, and the one in the middle of the back row not doing the racist thing.

I was wondering what the weather had been like. I just watched the clip of Rafa and a clip of Djoker/Granollers and the majority of the highlight clips involve a lot more volleying than I’m used to seeing at the French.

Not to diminish his win or anything, but ESPN interviewed Sato after the race, and that dude has one of the most unusual accents I’ve ever heard. It’s like, vaguely European-sounding lilt, but then he also messes up some of his r/l sounds, and clips his speech a bunch. I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting him to

I think this goes beyond racing. It’s pretty much any sports moment, or moment of obvious joy. Music is the same way, for example. I don’t know what they’re saying...but I know what they’re SAYING.

“The gap’s fine!”

There are a lot of loan words in Japanese, and this is especially true in sports. Hilariously, the loan words they use might not match the English term at all.

If ever got beaned in an MLB game, I’d just dust myself off and calmly take first. Then I’d take a nice lead off.

Is it just me, or is the clay playing much faster here?

I hope someone hits his ass with a forearm shiver.

Like, 48% is the outlier. It’s still ALMOST THE LOWEST APPROVAL RATING IN HISTORY FOR A FIRST-TERM PREZ AT THIS POINT IN THEIR TERM. (He beats Ford and barely edges out Clinton.)

I’m just going to steal the punchier and tighter, “Vajade”.

I don’t know what you know, I assume Real know that he’s 17 and they can teach him not to repeatedly turn the ball over.

He was still struggling to beat guys off the dribble with anything. His go-to move seemed to be the long dribble forward to get by the defender, but most of the time, he was never able to latch back onto it.