Also forgot Aras Baskauskas, who played professional basketball and won Survivor: Panama. He’s also the only member of Survivor I’ve ever schooled in basketball.
Also forgot Aras Baskauskas, who played professional basketball and won Survivor: Panama. He’s also the only member of Survivor I’ve ever schooled in basketball.
I think you’re thinking of his brother.
Tell me more...
Lifetime, I’m probably a 25% shooter on that falling out of bounds 3.
Legitimately OK thing. Might actually be his most legitimate highlight.
I wasn’t saying that anyone who hits a wall near a person missed. I’m saying that they WANT to lock up those people where that was the case. As someone else posted above, lawmakers don’t care that they nail a few less-variety assholes when they want to throw the book at greater assholes.
Dude goes to ground way too often. (You can tell by the way he falls EXACTLY the same way every time he’s touched. Legs rigidly held together, bent at the knees, rolling on the ground.) That said, he seems much quicker than his peers, fairly composed on the ball.
I’m not a lawyer, nor a lawmaker, but I’d assume that its probably because trying to punch someone and missing should probably still be serious crime. Just because your target has reflexes doesn’t mean someone should get let off the hook.
The part of advice imparted here that is most important to latch on to is, “increase your odds”.
Wait, so this is just the seat, and not the entire toilet? So I can hook this up to my apartment toilet?
Remote would be great. Guess I’ll have to get Xzibit to pimp a bidet.
Is there a way to up stream volume and intensity? Possibly remotely?
More like CARcelona.
I don’t know how you set the odds of him getting taken out at minute 26 at 100-1. It’s his uniform number. There would be 4 minutes that should be like, 8-1. The number of years he played for the club, his kit number, 45, and 60.
That’s weird, why is that pic under the article title not of Hillary?
Seriously. You can always THROW a fight. Not like anything like that EVER happened in a Japanese MMA organization, right?
This is horseshit. LeBron’s not throwing off the entire balance of the conference by himself. That conference sucks balls. Yeah, LeBron’s good, but the Eastern Conference equivalent of the Westbrook Thunder just fucking TOOK THE #1 SEED IN THE CONFERENCE.
That’s because most of their teams were legitimately terrible. (Or in the case of Kevin Love, he hurt himself again.) Kyrie only played 3 seasons pre-LeBron, and generously, those were teams with 3 NBA starters on them.
In California, the reason I’ve heard most riders give for their access to the HOV lane is that air-cooled bikes would just die in the California heat, and a dead motorcycle parked on the freeway is a fucking disaster.
I hear that Lennay gets around.