
I’ve read the blog twice. It sounds like Hardwick was a controlling jerk. Even accepting her version 100% though, it’s a long way from assault or abuse. He told her what to do and she did it. He wanted sex every night and instead of leaving, she lay there and gave it to him. It sounds like BDSM regret. I see an

Did I miss the part where a bunch of people ( or his other ex-girlfriends) backed up her story? People seem to be jumping on this awfully fast and with great glee, but I think I will wait for some backup before I cancel him over someone who’s so passive-aggressive that she makes it clear who he is but won’t name him.

Really? Cuz this reads like one of the more “you were a shitty person in our relationship” to me than most of the “this person methodically abused me through years of our career relationship” than any of the others.

Actress and professional cosplayer. Read: Attention whore. And what better for that then a good victim-narrative?

Why do we reward people for talking smack about their famous exes, in the hopes of causing career harm.

‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.

Wasnt everybody doing that in 2002? I mean with 9/11 and everything....?

Now playing

Dear guy I clotheslined as you went by on your bike...

I wouldn’t mind a movie with Rose as the lead character. She was my favorite part of The Last Jedi.

Can I hate Rose for being an annoying and pointless character?

Who is the guy who though that a evolve-previous-beloved-monster-to-new-supermonster device was interesting?? I saw that on aliens, jurassic park and others and its the woooooorst device ever...

So lemme guess the humans and predators they were just fighting have to team up to destroy this new super-predator...sorry, new extreme predator.

I was there in the courtroom to testify that their father was a hopeless and abusive drug addict and that her parents should be given custody. After I tried my best to get him cleaned up and in a state where he could do the fucking job he chose when he got someone pregnant. And failed because dope can be stronger than

He had an 11 year old child.

Nice try, but absolutely not. Increases in suicides, shootings, poor race relations, divisive politics, and other tragedies long predate the Trump administration.

Seeing how the rise in suicide preceded the Trump Presidency by about 20 years, it is safe to say that the increase is not from that. Please don’t trivialize this horrible affliction.

Glaring omission from this list.

Facebook and Twitter are both tying themselves in knots trying to police content, and they’re still failing and receiving criticism.

“There will be people throughout the Steam community who hate your games, and hope you fail to find an audience, and there will be people here at Valve who feel exactly the same way. However, offending someone shouldn’t take away your game’s voice. We believe you should be able to express yourself like everyone else,

This is the correct strategy. Facebook and Twitter are both tying themselves in knots trying to police content, and they’re still failing and receiving criticism. A strong filtering system lets customers avoid toxic games while shielding Valve from charges of censorship and bias.