
Hiding out from a Hut mobster, if I recall correctly. 

Logan Marshall-Green was great in Upgrade though (the physical comedy!) so he might come out from beneath Hardy’s shadow.

Ed Skrein looks like he could kick the shit out of Nicolas Hoult. But that might be because he’s 7 years older. Hoult looks like a kid still. 

Also, this doesn’t describe abuse - it describes a relationship she wasn’t happy in and probably took too long to leave. What’s described here is no more “abuse” than if a man described an ex-girlfriend who nagged him incessantly and wouldn’t let him maintain female friends. Shitty? Sure. Not uncommon and also a good

The spiders weren’t giant though? Only the queen spider was big, and she was basically a big tarantula. all the other spiders were about the size of a small wolf spider, just deadly venomous. The freaky idea was aggressive spiders that could kill an adult human with a bite and that (somehow?) reproduced more like ants.


They aren’t allowed to take voluntary action succumbing to it, no.

L-Theanine combined with 200mg caffeine before going out for drinks is also a pretty solid combo for night on the town.

Dick’s sells guns.

Well aren’t you a petty little demagogue.

They make ones that attach to your toilet and spray wash your ass for about $30.

At least 5 years, I’d say. Kind of a nice change of pace.

Kenobi and Skywalker are basically the Smith and Chin of the Star Wars universe.

The figure ouf 500 million a day is complete bullshit, literally made up by a 9 year old boy on the basis of a phone survey he did. The actual number is probably closer to 175 million.

Cons: your imploding testosterone levels. Pissing sitting down is like the opposite of those power poses that are supposed to cause your confidence and testosterone to spike.

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina or GTFO.*

I think you and your friends had suicide bombing on the brain, not M. Night. The news announcement at the end says“the battle turned around in the Middle East. Three small cities there found a primitive method to defeat them.”I.e., Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Mecca, the primary holy cities of the three Abrahamic

This sounds like a shitty ripoff of Equilibrium pretending to be a shitty adaptation of Fahrenheit 451.

Adolescent sexuality freaks a lot of people out more than violence. I was never bothered by scene, as it made sense that in a transitional moment from adolescence to symbolic adulthood the characters would cement their bond via sex (which is one of the main things sex does, create intimate bonds between people) - and

As to the intelligence of dinosaurs, we can probably guess that the families of dinosaurs which gave rise to modern birds at least had the capacity for high intelligence.

Normally, when assessing intelligence we look to brain size relative to body size. But that really only works well with mammals. Some birds, like

I seems to me that the Israeli bandage will staunch bleeding well, not not cut off limb blood flow if you need to stop vascular or arterial bleeding. Granted, if you are out in the sticks dealing with either vascular or arterial bleeding you are well and truly fucked, but a tourniquet might allow you not bleed out