
This goes from benign to excessive very quickly.

Couple of tricks to get someone to move their car when it’s parked outside of your home everyday.

Not true.

The best part is when she fell through the ceiling. 

George Clooney is in talks to direct the scifi thriller Echo, in which a drone specialist suspects “his lover is not who she appears to be” and may “have been replaced.”

Hey what happens if I go to Canada and squat illegally? Do I have rights there too? Asking for a friend.

The title scared me, but one of the things that make me distrust a lot of critics is they seem to be more about the messaging of something than the entertainment value. This article is rife with the same kind of sentiments they use when they try to look at a movie or game with those filters. Even to to the opposite

I hate the guy too, but those weights are designed to be dropped.

No one owes you anything.

Well good thing what they cut sounds fucking stupid, then. I am LGBT and it just confuses me why people demand more, if I want more representation, I’ll write it. I want LESS explicit romance used to pad out the fact that most movies are so fucking stupid you have to include a romance because otherwise why would any

A comment so blah it’s making me defend Donald Trump Jr. You know darn well he’s referring to training time-which having kids will certainly affect for anyone other than a pro-athlete.

This is the worst take.

That “white male privilege” reading of Hereditary is some high-school film class level absurdity.

- “Last week, writer and comedian Keaton Patti showed JOKED how bots can be a force for good when he fed JOKED about feeding 1,000 hours of Olive Garden ads to a machine and asked it to write one of its own. The JOKE result was an absurdist nightmare...”

I thought the whole “bot-written” thing was so clearly a joke that it’s been baffling to watch people buy into it.

It wasn’t bot-written. Neural nets don’t work like that. He wrote it himself. It’s a meme. Rarely are these “AI-generated scripts” actually generated.

Where do we go to protest American Criminals that go to jail being separated from their kids while they are in jail?

‘Course Trump hasn’t signed a single piece of legislation or executive order that enabled this.. but hey now that he’s president it’s a great time to make hay of it. :)

Or how about this? Don’t come to the US illegally. We have a legal immigration system where we decide who comes into the US. The illegals are the ones choosing to violate the immigration laws of the United States, 8 USC 1325, and 8 USC 1326. Just because they chose to put themselves in a bad situation, is no