
Good point.

A male black bear is an average of 240lbs. Overkill my ass.

I assumed that sign is shorthand for “If a polar bear attacks you, you must fight back with your 12 gauge shotgun loaded full of slugs or .308 rifle, preferably a semi-automatic one, because odds are the bear isn’t going down from one shot” but they ran out of space.

What about gouging out its eyes? It’s one of the first things chimps go for when attacking each other and humans, and it seems to reason that most animals would be pretty sensitive about being blinded.

You’re gonna need a chest seal for a sucking chest wound. Which would be a good thing to have next to the Israeli bandage in the IFAK (individual first aid kit), along with some hemostatic agent or impregnated bandages to slow bleeding.

This is a pretty good argument for bringing a pistol or, at a minimum, a large knife with you when hiking or biking in wilderness areas.

Counterpoint - they are subversive in ways most people probably miss.

Yes it was - I think concept art (or possibly some stuff in the Director’s Cut) or some such extra-textual stuff showed that was the original plan for the life cycle, which got simplified to egg -> facehugger -> xenomorph using another species as host. And I guess Alien 3 added that some implanted xenomorphs are born

If I recall, originally cocooned humans would actually end up metamorphosing into alien eggs?

So, eggs opens and facehugger rape-impregnates host, host gives murder-birth to xenomorph, xenomorph grows up and eventually cocoons other hosts to becomes facehugger eggs?

I liked Ant-Man, but you can tell it had two directors. There’s an implication that using the suit causes psychosis—hence why Pym wants Lang to use it instead of his daughter, and why the villain goes pretty nuts—that is more or less abandoned. There were some other tangled plot threads in there too, though I don’t

Well now I’m shopping for a Humvee online. Thanks.

So if Thor, Captain, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk and Hawkeye are all downed, then who’s the new team:

#4 is pretty much my approach when confronted with novelty spicy foods. You don’t die. It’s a non-injurious pain.

You probably would before the germ theory of disease was really a thing.

Also, polar bears. In Alaska sometimes people just don’t come home from the bar and that’s the last that’s ever heard from them. Fucking polar bears my dude...

That wouldn’t fly in Hollywood. It’s more of a Shelbyville idea.

It’s kind of meta, since Rob Delaney got famous mostly by being funny on Twitter.

Depends. A kevlar based soft armor won’t stop a knife. A level III or IV steel plate definitely will though. Granted, only over 10x12 portion of your back and chest, but still.

The fact that you group depleted uranium (key word, “depleted”) with the others suggest you don’t know what you’re talking about. Depleted uranium is used because A) it’s heavy as fuck and makes a really good projectile, and B) we’re pretty much the only country that uses it so the trace radiation in the rounds lets

Looks pretty meh. Charlie Day has become typecast and one-note. Jeff Goldblum looks to be playing himself, again, instead of an actual character. Sofia Boutella shows up again as basically a comic-book badass in a non-comic book movie. And Dave Bautista (who showed he had more breadth in Bladerunner 2049) is back to