
You build a tolerance to caffeine though. It was uncommon for me at one point to wake up, take a 200mg caffeine pill, get to work and drink two mugs of strong coffee (another 180mg or so), then take a pre-workout mix after work and before the gym that contained 400mg. So, close to 800mg a day wasn’t odd for me. After

“financially successful and generally well-received sci-fi-horror movie based on a gimmick”

A married pro-life Christian couple in grief over having lost a child who are smart enough to sound-proof a basement, get a nitrous oxide canister and baby-sized mask to deal with crying fits, and otherwise take thoughtful precautions to limit sound?

To make one movie that’s earned 5x its production costs in one week at the box office and is critically well received is no small fucking thing. People were kissing Jordan Peele’s ass for a year after he did the same thing.

We have a 4.1% unemployment rate, the lowest it has been since February 2001. It’s what economist call “full employment” - if you want a job, there’s a job out there.

That was just one example, but many devices are modular (even an apple laptop could have the keyboard popped out and replaced with a third party aftermarket one, for example) and replacing one part with a non-OEM part shouldn’t void the warranty of the device as a whole for unrelated issues.

What if you wanted to crack your laptop open and stick in some third party RAM, but then it subsequently died (for totally unrelated reasons)? It would be pretty sucky to have your warranty be void because either A) you opened the case, or B) you inserted third party RAM.

I’m curious what the frequency range for the monsters’ hearing is. Because they clearly do not just hear really really well, or they would (for example) be able to hear the characters’ heartbeats anytime they were standing a few feet away. They can’t hear the crunch of walked-on sand from a distance, but can hear the

The Ritual ended weak and was an obvious gender-flipped ripoff of The Descent.

Nah. The percentage of people that are only not doing terrible shit because it’s illegal is smaller than you think, and the percentage of people that would step up and protect their fellow people is larger than you think. I think there’d be a lot of temporary communities planned and formed in advance with some very

Do Avclub commenters not know any middle aged cops, firemen, military members, construction workers, etc. that also workout? A jacked 40 year old is not some strange unicorn, you usually spot several at any decent-sized gym.

Or both. Basic Instinct style.

Yeah. Crazy eyes to the extreme. She was probably fun in the bedroom.

Psssssssssssssst they’re all semi-automatic. All of them. Unless you are using a specialized accuracy competition single-action revolver or an antique gun from the 1800s, all modern pistols are semi-automatic.

This tip is an old salesman’s tactic that was pointed out in the novel Rant by Chuck Paulaniuk. It also work to help you remember people’s names, if you set the name in your head by looking them in the eye long enough to determine in note their eye color, and then saying to yourself (in your head) “Steve that has

Wildly wrong. Why don’t you go find me a Supreme Court case (hell, I would sell for federal court of appeals case) with that holding. I’ll wait.

$50 a year. So, $1,400 for 10 years, or $11.66 a month, or a good bit cheaper than the $15 a month or so it is if you buy the Costco 2-year deal for $350 or however much it goes for these days.

Pray tell, what automatic weapon?

Well, we know his genetics produce pretty intelligent and useful boys. His sister, on the other hand, is supposed to be a useless and obnoxious shrew (she’s a low level producer in Hollywood I understand). So, probably not a bad choice on his part.