
Yup. That was what I was implying. Perhaps you misinterpreted my post, but my follow-up post should have made it clearer.

Nice try champ, but your take is cold and soggy. The second amendment was a continuation of a long series of laws which required men in the British colonies to keep military arms, and criminalized not doing so. The militia was, and is, literally every adult citizen (though originally, it was limited to men).

I see you are not acquainted with the purpose of the second amendment and US v. Miller.

No it can’t. It has less velocity and energy transference than 7.62mm cartridge (what the AK-47 and various other rifles use), which also can’t go through an engine block.

It’ll go through most of the rest of the car, though.

Now playing

A) A bullet button magazine can be swapped out just as fast, as demonstrated in the video below.

The NRA is nowhere near the top 50 sources of political donations. Even in 2016, the spent a bit over a million bucks on political contributions. That’s nothing. The reason politicians don’t go against the NRA is they have MORE THAN FIVE MILLION MEMBERS THAT ARE SINGLE-ISSUE VOTERS.

Swapping a mag takes less than 2 seconds if you are minimally practiced. Good shooters can do it faster.

People with tempers tend to be the sorts capable of both climbing to leadership positions, and actually leading once there.

Rather badly, yes.

Ironically it’s shitty state prisons where you’ll have the most trouble, non-max-security federal prisons are pretty cushy and not overcrowded.

Mechanical Animals, in general, is a pretty great album.

The AR-15 is the #1 sporting gun in the country and used extensively in 3-gun competitions. It’s also frequently used in varmint hunting for rodents, coyotes, wild hog, etc.

The second amendment has nothing to do with hunting or sport shooting, and was specifically written to recognize civilians’ right to keep and bare military arms, or “weapons of war.”

There is a game like that and the Army literally uses it as a recruiting and training tool.

You are literally the class of 2000, the turn of the millenium (and so am I)... so, yeah?

On a global scale, there is an inverse association between poverty and obesity. That is, poor people can’t afford to be fat. In rich countries, poor people can afford to be fat due to an abundance of cheap food, and due to their generally lower IQ and attendant lack of impulse control and future orientation,

I don’t buy the poverty explanation. Cheap shitty food is packed with 1) sugar (often to make up for removed fat), 2) soybean oil (cheapest oil filler, that has estrogenic impacts), and 3) cheap simple carbohydrates like corn/wheat. That tends to make it calorie rich, nutrient low, and with very little ability to

Stay away from processed foods, eat from a variety of food groups, keep calories at a recommended level, and exercise, and most people will lose weight and be able to maintain a healthy weight.

Keto has been around since the 1920s (when it was developed as a treatment for epilepsy), and is being studied for use in treatment of diabetes, since it tends to stabilize hemoglobin A1C.

Leading men have longer careers, and tend to more often be in big budget action blockbusters, so they get a longer period of time to bump up their quote with increasingly big budget films.